Americas Greater Omaha

Valentines; Day Celebration

Theme Valentines; Day Celebration
Venue Wine/Food pairings
Location Brushi Bistro & Bar
Date Feb 05, 2015
Time 6:30 PM Quaffing/ 7:15P Dinner
Host Burt & Eva Jay & Ed & Bailey Shada
Chef Paul Braunschweiger
Wine Selection Planners in consultation with Chef
Registration Closed on Jan 31, 2015
Members: 85.00
Guests: 90.00

Menu & Wines

Quaffing:  Pulled pork sliders, citrus barbeque sauce, homemade chips, chicken quesadilla, anchho pepper sauce & corn salsa 

Wines:  2013 Cline Viognier; 2012 Oberon Cabernet Sauvignnon

Soup:  Butternut squash with roasted pepper drizzle

Wine:  2013 Honig Sauvignon Blanc

Salad: Euro Salad, assorted greens, sundried tomato dressing 

Wine:  2012 Bollini Pinot Grigio

Entre':  Veal Veronese, herb breaded veal Scaloppini with lemon-caper sauce. 

Dessert:  Fresh fruit tart:  sugar dough tart shell filled with French vanilla cream, topped with fresh fruits  berries 

 Coffee Service

Comments about Evening

This was our Valentine’s Celebration, and we had only 17 in attendance  (including the Lee’s, who are brand new members).  Because of the number of our members who are “Snow Birds”, this is not unusual, for Feb. but what we lacked in numbers, we made up for in enthusiasm!  Brushi Bistro is a relatively new restaurant. located in a familar site, which previous restaurants have called home.  The chef & owner Paul Braunschweiler demonstrated an excellent knowledge in food and wine parings, and was instrumental in planning this event, and providing commentary through- out the evening, which added to our culinary experience.  The private space we occupied was perfect for the size of our group, and the food & wine service were  optimal.

The quaffing menu perked the appetite, and paired well with the Viognier and the Cabernet,  We could have made a meal on the yummy pork sliders!

The Butternut Squash soup was picture perfect, and tasty, and was complimented by the Sauvignon Blanc.  

The European style salad was appealing( and not too filling ) paired with  the Pino Grigio.

Rave reviews were received about both the eye appeal and the taste of the Veal Veronese, and it was elegant with the Rombauer Zinfandel!

The Fresh fruit tart was  also both beautiful and tasty, and  although  some missed having a dessert wine, it was completmeted by the coffee service, and we probably didn’t really need more wine!  

All and all, those in attendance, (having just survived a winter storm) were very pleased with this Valentine event!