Americas Greater Omaha

Pot Luck Picnic by the Lake

Theme Pot Luck Picnic by the Lake
Venue Wine & Food pairing-picnic style
Location Regency Lake nd Tennis Club
Date Aug 11, 2015
Time 6PM-10 PM
Host Lennie & Jeff Deeths & Mary Mitchell
Chef Pot Luck
Wine Selection Members
Registration Closed on Aug 11, 2015
Members: 10.00
Guests: 15.00

Menu & Wine Pairings:

There was no set menu, because this was a “pot luck” venu.  Appetizers, side dishes and desserts were provided by members, and the meat course (fried chicken ) was provided by the Branch.   Side dishes included a zucchinni/cheese/tomato casserole, fresh broccolli, pasta salad, cucumbers with dill sauce, fresh tomatoes with basil/ balsalmic dressing,,a cabbage salad, & rolls. There was a nice selection of desserts (chocolate cake, cookies, bars & pastries,).

Wines were provided by members and guests, and were shared so members and guests did their own pairing, based on foods they chose, and wine preferences.   Although there was a nice selection of red wines, there  was also a good selection of white and rose’ wines, which were kept chilled. 


The setting for this event was a Club House overlooking a lake, which made it perfect for a summer picnic for our group.   Because it was pot luck, and members and guests brought their wine to share, the savings was passed onto the members, which encouraged  members to invite guests.   We had 16 members and 14 guests attending the event. The most important thing that resulted because of this setting and venue was the socialization and camaraderie that occurred between members and guests, through-out the evening.    Introduction of guests (both by the sponsor, and by the guests) , was both informative and entertaining.  Because of the diverse menu selections and wine choice, comments about  both the foods and wines were very positive.  

This was an example of creative planning and cooperation of members in resulting in a very  successful summer-time event, and we look forward to seeing many of our guests at future events!