Americas Greater Omaha

Valley of the Loire Dinner

Theme Valley of the Loire Dinner
Venue Wine/Food Pairing in the Old Market
Location V. Mertz (1022 Howard Street)
Date May 15, 2016
Time 6PM
Host Janice Rustia & Andi & Joe Kafka
Chef Kyle Lamb, James Calkins
Wine Selection Event planners & Chef
Registration Closed on May 15, 2016
Members: 85.00
Guests: 85.00


37 people, including 4 guests attended this very unique and festive event at V Mertz, one of Omaha’s finest restaurants, located  in the Old Market Area.   Matt Brown, the head Sommelier, demonstrated excellent knowledge and enthusiam, as he guided us through each of the 4 courses, providing educational & background information on the wines and foods served.

  • For the quaffing, the selected red and white wines offered,  got us off to a good start while we were munching at the very tasty  charcuterie board.
  • The oysters in the first course, paired with the Muscadet wine  prepared us for the treat we were in for this evening.   The wine is said to be  “mineral driven” , with a crisp ,dry, taste  and high acidity & hints of peach & melon. While the wine is not so good as a cocktail, when consumed with fish, it is said to be “insanely great”! Each of the 3 oysters were of different types, from various parts of the country.   There was definetly a dynamic interaction between the wine and the oysters.   Even people who thought they couldn’t stomach oysters, raved about this pairing!.
  • For the 2nd course, the Chinnin Blanc wine , with its level of sweetness held it’s own with the robust flavor of the garlic soup.  
  • For the 3rd course, we had a side to side pairing of 2 wines (a French White and an Italian Red) with Alaskan Halibut,  (which was served with a broth).  Based on informal voting for the wine that more preferred,  the Italian Pinot  edged out the white (slightly).   This rebukes the notion that fish is best paired with white wines.  The Halibut and broth wines were a hit!
  • The  Braised beef in the 4th course was rich & succulent , and paired very well with the Loire Valley Cabernet Franc( medium bodied red wine with notes of of black cherry, violet , & olives with  a very smooth finish).
  • To top the evening off, the warm  Brie Croute with mixed berries was perfect with the French Chenin Blanc wine, (which  was  elegant & had a hint of ginger, persimmon & fig).

To summarize, those present tonight enjoyed achieving the goal of the IWFS:  to enjoy great food, great food, in the company of other wine and food lover friends!