Americas Greater Omaha

An Evening on the Veranda

Theme An Evening on the Veranda
Venue Field Club of Omaha
Location 3615 Woolworth Ave, Omaha, NE 68105
Date Sep 09, 2020
Time 5:30 to 8:30 pm
Host Wayne & Karen Marcus
Wine Selection Omaha Wine Company
Members: 130.00
Guests: 135.00

This event became An Evening in the Ball Room after several days of  rain and cool temperatures forced a move inside. This caused 5 cancelations of those who prefer outdoor events. 

The Field Club Ball Room is spacious and with more than one half of our membership attending, we were appropriately distanced.  Appetizers and main courses were passed by servers, some of which should have been served a bit warmer.  The presentations were quite artful, however.

People were slow to leave even after the service ended. Obviously enjoying the companionship. We are indeed an organization of Wine, Food, and Friends.