Asia Pacific Bombay
Exploring the mysteries of wine
Exploring the mysteries of wine
Encouraging creativity
Encouraging creativity
Recognising excellence ... Learning from master chefs
Recognising excellence ... Learning from master chefs
Enjoying the best of local produce
Enjoying the best of local produce
Fun with friends, food & wine
Fun with friends, food & wine
Formal fellowship,
Formal fellowship,

“Rhone Wines” at Rajiv Sahney’s house

Theme “Rhone Wines” at Rajiv Sahney’s house
Date Nov 23, 2013
Time 7.30pm for 8pm sit down
Registration Closed on Nov 23, 2013

On Saturday the 23rd of November, former committee member and Rhone-fan, Rajiv Sahney hosted the 'Rhone Wines' event at his lovely home.

Please view the menu and wine list here, and the event announcement here

Please click here to view the price list of the famous French wine retailer, Nicolas.