Europe Africa
Celebrating 90 years . .
Celebrating 90 years . .
Visiting Major Wine Regions
Visiting Major Wine Regions
Visiting Major Wine Regions
Visiting Major Wine Regions
Learning from masters
Learning from masters
Formal but fun
Formal but fun
Buying for quality
Buying for quality
Awarding excellence, applauding service
Awarding excellence, applauding service
Sampling the Best
Sampling the Best
Visiting the wineries
Visiting the wineries
Wine, food and friends
Wine, food and friends

Branch and Regional Events

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Jul »
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27 28 29 30      
List events by year:

This calendar enables you to review the full range of Branch events for the whole Europe Africa Zone.   

To view the major events and festivals organised at the Regional level, click the Regional Events button below:

All IWFS members are invited to attend our regional events.