Europe Africa London


Venue Doubletree Hilton Hotel
Location 2 Bridge Place, Victoria, SW1V 1QA
Date Oct 09, 2013
Time AGM: 6:45 for 7:00
Host Stephanie Shepherd
Members: 33.00
Guests: 37.00

We will be holding the Branch AGM and post-AGM Dinner at the Doubletree (formerly the Hesperia) again this year.  All members are entitled to attend the AGM and we hope that you will take this opportunity to find out more about how the Branch is run and to help us make plans for the future. A welcoming glass of something fizzy will greet you on arrival!

As always, we are looking for more members to help run the Branch. We are anticipating some wide-ranging changes in the way things are organised in 2014, so whether you feel able to organise an event (with help from Committee Members if you wish) or help with Branch administration or publicity (including Social Media), we'd love to hear from you.  For more details please email Stephanie Shepherd as soon as possible, preferably before 5th September. 


Post-AGM Dinner: is a perfect social opportunity for new members to come along and introduce themselves, and meet the Committee and other members. We have received many favourable comments on this location in previous years. Its proximity to Victoria Station makes it very convenient for most of us. The food is very good and the dinner has proved to be a great social occasion, enjoyed by all.

We expect to eat in the ground floor restaurant, but may be moved to a private room if we have a very large party and the restaurant is very busy. Rest assured that all will be clear on the night. The dinner will be a 3-course seasonal menu with house wine and coffee. There will not be a choice of menu, but special dietary requirements can be accommodated. Please let  Stephanie know not later than 21st September if there is anything that you cannot eat.

You would be very welcome to join us just for the AGM, but we very much hope that you will also come to the dinner and help us turn this very necessary formal occasion into an enjoyable social evening.

So that we are aware of numbers for the AGM, please indicate on the Booking Form whether you will be attending, even if you are not booking for the social event afterwards.  We look forward to welcoming  members old and new to both the AGM and the Dinner afterwards. 


Notice is hereby given that the thirty-first Annual General Meeting of the London Branch of the International Wine and Food Society shall be held at The Doubletree by Hilton Hotel, 2 Bridge Place, Victoria, SW1V 1QA at 6.45 for 7.00pm for the following business:


1.         Apologies for Absence

2.         Minutes of the Last Meeting

3.         Matters Arising

4.         Chairman’s Report

5.         To receive and consider the audited accounts for the period 1st July 2012 to 30th June 2013.

6.         To elect Branch Officers and Committee Members*

7.         Membership Matters

8.         Open Discussion and Any Other Business


Copies of the relevant papers will be available before the Meeting.


*           In accordance with Para. 5.1 of The Branch Constitution, all nominations for the Committee must be submitted in writing to The Meeting Secretary** at least thirty days in advance of the Meeting. The candidate should be nominated by two London Branch members and must signify in writing her/his willingness to stand.

**         Please send any nominations or items for discussion to Stephanie Shepherd