Europe Africa London

London Branch AGM

Theme London Branch AGM
Venue Hes[peria Hotel
Location 2 Bridge Place, Victoria, Pimlico, SW1V 1QA London
Date Oct 20, 2011
Time AGM 6:45,for 7:00, Dinner to following the AGM.
Host Stephanie Shepherd

Notice is hereby given that the twenty-ninth Annual General Meeting of the London Branch of the International Wine and Food Society will be held in The Hesperia Hotel Bridge Place, Victoria, London SW1V 1QA at 6.45 for 7.00pm on Thursday 20th October 2011, for the following business:

1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting
3. Matters Arising
4. Chairman’s Report
5. To receive and consider the audited accounts for the period 1st July 2010 to 30th June 2011
6. To elect Branch Officers and Committee Members*
7. Membership Matters
8. Proposed Change to the Branch Constitution (see below)
9. Open Discussion and Any Other Business


Dinner will follow this.