Message from the President Chris Bonsall
As I look out over a sparkling Sydney Harbour this February morning in the Southern Hemisphere, it is with optimism that this year will be a wonderful one for our Society, in its 90th year, with a full year of exciting and uninterrupted events where we can all gather across the globe to renew friendships and make new ones in wine, food and friends. There are some wonderful festival and gatherings planned in our various Branches and Areas.
Click here to read more
90th Anniversary
Yes, it is 90 years since the first meeting of the Society and we have created this logo to add to the promotion of your celebratory branch events this year, and will shortly be available to download from the website. Recipes and dishes have made delicious advances over the years however to include a taste of the menu from the first meeting click here and find out more about the ingredients used and dishes served. We wish you a memorable celebrations! Please send your pictures and we will publish a selection in future Global Grapevines.
Branch News
London, UK - Capital Branch
Congratulations to Capital branch for their successful launch event. Based in London, the UK's capital city, their official launch event was held on February 15th at the RAF Club, Piccadilly. It was a sold-out gathering of 40+ people, the vast majority of them attending their first ever IWFS event, being treated to English sparkling wine and canapés, together with a white wine tasting masterclass.
Click here to read more
Ontario, Canada - Burlington Branch
Bravo for Burlington branch who held their inaugural dinner on January 28th at the Inniskillin winery restaurant. The event was a celebration of Niagara Canada's ice wine starting with a sparkling ice wine and appetizers, then enjoying a different ice wine with each course. Both Inniskillin's Wine maker and their Chef joined them for the dinner, down in the winery cellar. It was a spectacular start for their 18 members.
Click here to read more
Taiwan - TaoChuMiao Branch
It's terrific in Taiwan with our 6th branch opening there. Their inaugural event was held on 14 January with 17 founding members and lead by Branch President Dr Chih Shan, Coralie Yuan. The branch is in the north west covering the district of Hsinchu City - renowned for its local cuisine and it's delicate Hakka cuisine of high quality. Thanks go to Eddie Hu and Dominique Levy for the introduction - they certainly know how to spread the spirit of the Society across Taiwan.
Click here to find out more about the formation of the branch
New For Members
Latest Monograph: Pinot Noir Around the World
This year we are travelling the globe with Anne Krebiehl MW to discover the regions where pinot noir now thrives. Anne is recognised amongst the Pinot Noir experts for her passion for Pinot Noir and she refers to it herself as one of her 'abiding passions'; she is a Master of Wine too. Follow Anne on her journey, beginning in Burgundy, visiting her native Germany - she visits no less than 15 countries. She also finishes with some 'clonal talk' for the real Pinot geeks but we hope it has been made easy to follow too! Due for release in May.
Vintage Card & App
For those of you who have this on your phone or tablet you will now be able to view the new vintages which now feature on your membership card - 2021 for northern hemisphere and 2022 for the southern hemisphere. Look out also for the older vintages for some of the classic regions which have now been added including Vintage Port, Bordeaux and Italy.
Member App
A reminder that we are regularly updating the information available on our App for members. Make sure you have it to hand to find - download now!
Wine articles
Have you read our latest commissioned article "Oregon Wine Matures" written by Katherine Cole? Katherine provides a gentle introduction into how it all began and then features some of the main players who have forged Oregon's global reputation for Pinot Noir today and introduces exciting wines to watch out for in the future.
Click here to read the article.
In the news on Sid's Blog
On February 6 Sid reported the winner of the Canadian Culinary Championship submitted a 'plant based venture'! This coincided with the Europe Africa Zone announcing the Northern branch Catering Colleges Competition sponsored by The Vegetarian Society Cookery School. As a response Sid writes: "Vegetarian and Vegan options are trendy and a growing emphasis around the world. Many countries like Japan have had a prominent plant-based vegetable focus for a long time such as their traditional Agebitashi…Click here to read more
Regional Competition - A Vegetarian Focus
As mentioned in Sid’s column, the 'In the North' branches of the Europe Africa Zone have just launched their vegetarian food competition. This is in response to the UK having an increasing number of people enjoying vegetarian meals, the popularity of which can be clearly seen in the burgeoning range appearing in many restaurants and supermarkets. Recent reports have suggested that as much as half of the UK population could be vegetarian or vegan in less than 20 years. The next generation of chefs are starting to seize the trend and developing new and exciting vegetarian options.
Click here to read more.
Our Awards
Duke Matz and Tom Murnan were both awarded with the André Simon Bronze medal for their continued meritorious and devoted service in accordance with the Aims and Objectives of the Society at the Omaha Branch December 2022 Holiday Party.
Duke Matz has served for 17 years and has been a member of the Board of Directors, as President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chairman, Event Coordinator and Wine Chairman. He still remains a member of the BOD serving as Treasurer and Wine Chairman.
Tom Murnan with 10 years of service to the Society has served as a member of the Board of Directors as President, Vice-President, Historian, Photographer and Editor. Tom also served as a member of the IWFS Council Bluffs Branch Board of Directors as President, Vice-President, Photographer, Historian and Editor. He still remains a member of the BOD serving as Historian, Photographer and Editor.
Zone News
We welcome the latest news from our Zone Chairmen, and members of the International Council of Management – Stephen Hipple (Americas), Michael Tamburri (Asia Pacific) and John Nicholas (Europe Africa)
Americas Stephen Hipple
I am pleased to announce that the Americas Inc.'s board of directors has approved the formation of three new branches. They are Burlington branch in Ontario, Canada (who have already held their inaugural event, reported earlier) with 18 members, Jupiter branch in Florida with 15 members and the Gulf Stream branch in Florida with 17 members. Americas Inc. is reorganizing its pages on the www.iwfs.org website making it much easier to navigate and find the information the members want.
Click here to read more
Asia Pacific Michael Tamburri
In November 2022 I was delighted to travel to the Philippines to attend the 40th anniversary of the branch foundation. I was honoured to present 8 white medallions to members for their voluntary exceptional service to the IWFS. My sincere gratitude to President Jay Labrador for coordinating an incredible wine and food experience. I also attended the Manila Ladies branch and was hosted by Vice-Chair Christine (Tina) B. De Jesus and fellow committee members including Glenda Barreto who is the pioneer of Filipino cuisine.
Click here to read more
Europe Africa John Nicholas
2023 is looking exciting - Our London branch is holding a 90th Society anniversary event at Windsor Castle, all members are welcome (now on a waitlist). As members continue to give up their time for the Society their efforts are now being realised - with three festivals scheduled, two new branches have opened in 12 months and the second catering college competition in the North is planned. We also continue to recognise the efforts of members with our own Exceptional Service Medallion and our friends in hospitality with our Branch Excellence Awards.
Click here to read more
Dates for Your Diary
Americas · Asia Pacific · Europe Africa
2-6 May 2023
Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA (Americas)
The Americas are organising a wonderful tour of this beautiful wine region visiting some of the top wineries and enjoying some of culinary delights of the region. Now fully subscribed but click here to find out more and join a wait list.
23-27 May 2023
Catalunya, DO Emporda, Spain (Europe Africa)
Places for this festival were quickly filled with members from across the Society signing up. Starting in Barcelona attendees will be taken to the Catalunya countryside to explore this 'land of castles' visiting vineyards and enjoying some of the best restaurants. A waitlist is being held for those who missed out on registration. Click here to find out more.
15 September 2023
Windsor Castle, London, UK (Europe Africa)
90th Anniversary Dinner at Windsor Castle - An event organised by the London branch to celebrate the Society's 90th Anniversary with a Dinner at Windsor Castle to include a reception in the Dean's Cloister and dinner in the medieval Vicars' Hall. Members across the globe are welcome. Full details on www.iwfs.london. Now full with waitlist.
20-21 September 2023
Brockenhurst, New Forest National Park, UK (Europe Africa)
EAZ AGM - We hope you will be part of our AGM and Members Forum to include delicious wine, food, friendly company and some planning for the future. It may also be a welcome pre-cruise event for those booked on the Cunard cruise mentioned below. More details to follow but in the meantime place the dates in your diary.
23-29 September 2023
Crossing Continents - Southampton to New York: Festival of Food at Sea
This is an opportunity for IWFS members from all zones to join this voyage on Cunard's Queen Mary 2 from Southampton to New York. Whilst not an EAZ event it will be a special voyage staging a Festival of Food & Wine on board and it coincides with the 90th anniversary of the founding of IWFS in November 1933. For more details email Peter McGahey or via our website.
18-22 October 2023
Sydney, Australia (Asia Pacific)
A fabulous festival of food and wine is planned by the New South Wales branch of the APZ, plus there maybe a post-festival event. Members are invited to this wonderfully vibrant city to enjoy some wonderful Australian hospitality. Details will be sent out as soon as available, but in the meantime put the dates in your diary and begin making plans for your trip.
15-20 November 2023
Africa (Europe Africa)
This is a four-day African adventure on the luxurious Rovos Rail train from Pretoria to Victoria Falls and night at the iconic Victoria Falls Hotel. There is also a pre-tour in Cape Town from 11-15 November and a post-tour to Livingstone and Lusaka from 20-24 November. There is a waitlist but see our website for more details.
If you are interested in joining an event that is full, or reservations closed, then please contact the organiser in case space is available.
129 Branches Worldwide
Click here to view a complete list and map of our branches around the world. Or on the following links in your chosen region to see where they are.
Americas · Asia Pacific · Europe Africa
Why not explore the opportunities of running a virtual inter-branch event – maybe Miami and Manchester, Tecate and Tokyo Bay – the world, and their cultures, are your oyster...? Contact our International Secretariat to find out more.
International Council of Management
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