Message from the President Chris Bonsall
What joy. This fine sunny morning brought 53 cases of vintage wine from the wine regions of France, Italy, Spain, Germany and Portugal to my home in Australia, having been shipped several months ago from the UK. It is not an exercise for the faint hearted, given the shipping delays due to the continued conflicts in the Middle East and the steep excise duty payable in Australia. However, now the wines are all safely stored in the cellar, it will be worthwhile and doubtless a party awaits members of the IWFS New South Wales Branch. Click here to read more
Message from the Global Chairman Mike Donohoe
Summer has arrived, with its attendant heat and humidity, and it is sweltering here in Houston. Hurricane Beryl barreled through, and reminded us, in its tragic wake, how lucky we are to simply be alive. I say a prayer for those who perished. I wish that climate change and the volatility of the seasons wasn't a thing, but it sure feels like it is. For you, I can only wish for less disruptive weather. The three regions, Europe Africa, Asia Pacific, and the Americas, are delivering a calendar full of unique experiences, some having passed, but more to come. Click here to read more
Our Festivals
14-16 March 2024
New Orleans, USA (Americas)
This weekend was indeed an exercise in the 'Big Easy' mood and with members from US, Canada, Cayman and the UK enjoying the experience. This special visit included a leisurely stroll along the Mighty Mississippi and a riverboat cruise that floated downriver in no hurry at all. Stand-out wines were paired with Cajun and Creole cuisine. To top it all, a New Orleans cooking class to savor entrées stirred, seasoned and cooked by us. Click here to read more
28 May-1 June 2024
Loire Valley, France (Europe Africa)
What an international success this was, attracting fifty-eight members across the Society. The travellers spent five days touring and soaking up the delights of the picturesque Loire Valley region. They enjoyed guided tours of some of the resplendent chateaux nestled in the valley and of course winery visits to sample and learn about the wines of the region. Members stepped back in time at many of the wineries who have their cellars in troglodyte/limestone caves. Click here to read more
New For Members
Cognac bottling, Trilogie Vol.3, exclusively for IWFS members
For lovers or Cognac this is a great opportunity. Trilogie Vol. 3 is a Cognac bottled exclusively for members of the IWFS and produced in collaboration with an online retailer in France, Cognac Expert. As the name suggests, this is the third edition of an annual bottling initiated by the Americas' members and now made available to all members. Details have already been emailed but to find out more, or place an order, click here
And now for a TRILOGY OF TEA:
Read all about it: "The World of Tea" Monograph
'The World of Tea' has now been published and will be with you, via your region magazine or your branch contact, in the coming months. This monograph is a 'blend' of all the key elements about tea and gives readers the perfect platform to learn all about this fascinating topic. Read about the well known and lesser known tea producing countries as well as the variety of ways people drink tea around the world. There are also many parallels with fine wine. We hope you enjoy the read.
Taste It: "Time For Tea" gift
Along with the monograph you will also receive a pouch of tea, with our compliments. Will Battle, the author and also a tea importer, has provided us with a special English Afternoon Tea which is a classic blend of the fine Assam and Darjeeling teas which replicates the gold standard prepared for London hotels and also used for the garden party season. The preparation details are on the pouch itself, if needed. It is loose leaf so you will need a strainer in or out of the teapot!
Run a Tea Tasting: Tea Tasting Video
As a complement to this year's tea monograph a video of a tasting of teas is currently in production and will be available later in the year. The video will assist branches to arrange their own local event so they can taste and learn about tea along with Will Battle, monograph author, who leads the tasting. He takes members through six different styles of tea plus a sparkling tea (a delicious choice when looking for a non-alcoholic reception drink). Click here to read more
Member App
Over 1000 New Wine and Food Pairings. Now, more than ever IWFS members are downloading our IWFS Member App to their smart phones. If you have not done so, download it today. Just click here. The App has nine easy to use buttons: Wine & Food Pairing, Vintage Guide, Publications, Virtual Wine Tastings, International Festivals, IWFS Merchandise, Branch Directory, IWFS Website and Join the IWFS. The Wine & Food Pairing button is one of the most popular buttons on the App
Click here to download
Vintage App
Watch out for Rioja and Ribera del Duero releases - Here is a note sent from our Spanish wine consultant, Harold Heckle: "I keep on thinking Rioja 2011 is outperforming 2010, so if any of those vintages comes up for sale, buy them quick, but if there's a choice to be had, opt for 2011. Also, it's time to start stocking up on the Rioja 2019 vintage, it's coming up for sale and at Reserva level and selling like hot cakes. Don't miss out. My feeling is that the Ribera del Duero vintage 2021 will sell out quickly when it comes up for sale, so, eyes peeled."
In the news on Sid's Blog
Question: What is Criolla? Answer: Criolla native grape varieties are found in South America and especially prominent in Argentina under various names like Criolla Grande, Criolla Chica, and the most well known one of Torrontés Riojano. Generally Criolla produces a light approachable style of wine that is popular in white, red, and rose. Widely planted. Different from another heritage one in Chile called Pais. Check out the Criolla family tree in the South American Wine Guide (see below discount details for this title) and also find out more about the 100 Criolla varieties that have been identified. Read more in Sid's blog
Double discount on books
South America Wine Guide - this Guide is recognised as THE authority on wines of South America and is also authored by our wine consultant for the region, Amanda Barnes. Not only does it provide the most comprehensive and indepth look into this topic it is also beautiful too. Amanda is kindly continuing to offer members a 10% discount on her book using code: Amigo IWFS.
Académie du Vin Library (incorporating Classic Wine Library), the world's most comprehensive wine publisher, are offering members a 25% discount for a number of their titles*. With over 50 titles from the finest wine writers, they cover wine regions on all five continents, on every subject from terroir to terraces and all points in between. For anyone, anywhere with a passion for wine. To find out more about the titles available visit here and use coupon code IWFS25 when you checkout. *Exclusions apply
Click here to read more about both offers.
Wine Article
The Growth of Vineyards in Northern Europe by professional writer Ann Samuelsen. Wine grapes were typically grown between the 30th and 50th parallels in the northern hemisphere, but change is afoot, and they are now being successfully grown further north. For this article we are looking at the growth of vineyards in Northern Europe which not long ago would have been considered as inhospitable for successful grape growing for wine. Click here to read the article
Our Awards
Two of the top André Simon medals were awarded at the Gala Dinner of the Americas New Orleans festival, on 16 March 2024 and a Diploma on 28 May 2024.
Dwight Catherwood was awarded the André Simon Gold medal for his industry, dedication and steadfastness for the Society on an international, regional and branch level. Dwight has served as Director and Treasurer on the international Council of Management since 2013 and also played a key financial role in the Americas since 2008, as BGA Governor, and then Director and Treasurer of IWFS Americas Inc from 2014 to 2024 (playing a a key role in its incorporation). Click here to read more
Steven Greenwald received the André Simon Silver in recognition of his diligence and dedication in implementing the expansion of the Americas festival programme which also attracted members from around the globe. He served on the Americas Festival & Events Committee from 2015 and was appointed Chairman in 2018 until his retirement from the Board of Directors in 2023. He has organised a range of high-profile festivals .... Click here to read more
Jim Budd was awarded the IWFS Diploma after his presentation to members at the Europe Africa Loire Festival on May 28th. It was in recognition of Jim's longstanding commitment and support as Wines Consultant for Loire wines for the IWFS Vintage Guide. He has fulfilled this role since 2010 and the Society has benefited from him providing his expert knowledge and advice, freely, on the wines of the region. Jim is pictured here in one of his signature patterned shirts. Thank you Jim.
Zone News
We welcome the latest news from our Zone Chairmen, Chris Anker (Americas), Michael Tamburri (Asia Pacific) and John Nicholas (Europe Africa).
Americas Chris Ankner
This Spring at the New Orleans Wine weekend, Dwight Catherwood received the seventeenth André Simon Gold Medal awarded to an Americas member since the award was established back in 1967 - when the first recipient was André Simon himself. To put that in perspective, twenty-four pitchers have hurled perfect games. Well over 6,000 people have scaled Mt. Everest. Dwight has been the long-time Treasurer of IWFS Ltd and IWFS Americas. Click here to read more
Asia Pacific Michael Tamburri
2024 has demonstrated that our fellow members are in the travel mode. I am one of these having travelled to the Loire, France and also to the Philippines. In Manilla I celebrated with the Manilla Ladies Branch and participated in their wine and food exhibition and also experienced a magnificent event at the Manilla Polo Club. The event was enjoyed by over 500 attendees.... Click here to read more
Europe Africa John Nicholas
We need to share our experiences to let people know what a wonderful Society the IWFS is. Our branches, each with its own character, are the hub of our Society. Some are flourishing and attract new members often after personal introductions, but our membership overall continues to age gracefully together. Without new members, the Society will eventually wither on the vine. Share your experiences on social media and tag us in via Instagram and X/Twitter Click here to read more
Upcoming Festivals
Americas · Asia Pacific · Europe Africa
These events really do provide IWFS members with an exclusive food and wine experience around the world - take a look at our list of festivals available to IWFS members:
19-26 August 2024
Switzerland & Amsterdam (Americas)
Swiss Alps, Rhine Castles and Wine Cruise: A truly magical event is planned with a cruise along the Rhine with AmaWaterways while enjoying an exclusive food and wine experience tailored for IWFS members. Enjoy private winery tours from the foothills of the Swiss Alps to the canals of Amsterdam. Last few cabins available. Click here to view details.
13-15 September 2024
West Yorkshire, Leeds & Harewood House, UK (Europe Africa)
This event will incorporate the 2024 AGM and discussions about new developments in IWFS Europe Africa. The AGM will be is followed by a "free" buffet lunch for those attending the AGM. Other events include the launch of the IWFS Europe Africa Pinot Noir wine tasting video, an evening celebrating Yorkshire Food and an extended visit to Harewood House (home of a first cousin of the late Queen Elizabeth II), including a gala dinner. Go to the link on our homepage www.iwfs.org for details.
15-17 November 2024
Hong Kong (Asia Pacific)
If you are looking for an energetic and exciting festival programme then Hong Kong will not disappoint with its host of high profile venues. A gourmet post-tour to Macau (17-19 November) is also planned. Official bookings now closed but there are a last few places left. Email us or Click here to view details.
If you are interested in joining an event that is full, or reservations closed, then please contact the organiser in case space is available.
133 Branches Worldwide
Click here to view a complete list and map of our branches around the world. Or on the following links in your chosen region to see where they are.
Americas · Asia Pacific · Europe Africa
Why not explore the opportunities of running a virtual inter-branch event – maybe Miami and Manchester, Tecate and Tokyo Bay – the world, and their cultures, are your oyster...? Contact our International Secretariat to find out more.
International Council of Management
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