Photo of Torquay by Chris Boland |
Honorary President's Message Chris Bonsall
If we were to have looked during the Covid years at our Society through a kaleidoscope, we would first have seen fragments of glass stubbornly refusing to connect into any semblance of design. Then, into this year, the kaleidoscope would have been shaken hard, its focus adjusted and re-adjusted so that month by month the fractured shards resolved into ever more complex and fulfilling patterns of the Society's life, jewel like in their colour and intensit.
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Our Festivals
16-18 September 2022
Singapore Festival (Asia Pacific)
So wonderful - the APZ was finally able to gather for the Singapore Festival - over 3 days, old friends reunited and new friends were made. From local street eats to fine Indian cuisine at the legendary Raffles hotel to a Michelin starred meal - they bonded together over food and wine.
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22-24 September 2022
Torquay Festival (Europe Africa)
A taste of the English Riviera - this weekend of fine wine and food included a tour of Sandridge Barton winery which is now also home to the recently acquired Sharpham Wine and owned by IWFS members based in the Cayman Islands.
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12-15 October 2022
Washington DC Great Weekend (Americas)
This was such a great weekend with the meticulous work in organising the four-day festival in one of the most beautiful and visitied cities in the US was greatly appreciated by all who attended.
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New For Members
The Essential Guide to Modern Madeira
This monograph has been a long time in the pipeline but, like the wine itself, it has developed over the years and we are extremely please with the quality of the final product. By the time you read this your copy should be with you or, if not, it will be on its way to your branch.
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Branded Gift Bottle Bags
For the upcoming holiday season these new branded IWFS gift bottle bags will be available for each branch to use as you wish - maybe to present a thank you to your chosen restaurants or to your members. A supply will be forwarded to each branch, free of charge, based on the number of memberships per branch. We trust that you welcome this new way to promote the IWFS with your members or locally. Members and branches will be able to purchase further supplies as they wish. Happy Holidays!
Vintage Card & App
The Vintage Card has been updated and you will receive your copy upon renewal of the 2023 membership of the IWFS. New regions are Sicily, Oregon (Chardonnay) South Africa (white wines). If you prefer to view this information online, the Vintage App is also ready to view.
Click here to read more about the updates
Member App
A reminder that we are regularly updating the information available on our App for members. Make sure you have it to hand to find - download now!
Wine articles
Have you read the latest article looking at the current wine scene of the Dão region in northern Portugal? UK wine writer, Charles Metcalfe begins the article with 'Marvels of glittering purity and freshness, that's my judgement of the best wines of northern Portugal's Dão region'.
Click here to read the article.
In the news on Sid's Blog
"ASK SID" is posted every WINE WEDNESDAY. A hot topic last month was: Why is there so much interest this year in 2020 Pouilly-Fuisse? Sid's reply:: "Several reasons, including the quality…" Click here to read more
Or check out his weekly post. A recent post looks at the wonders of the 1999 and 2001 Bordeaux vintages. Are they under-rated and should they be explored? Read here.
Our Awards
Michael Tamburri, Chairman of the International Council of Management (ICM) and also Chairman of the APZ was presented with the prestigious André Simon Silver award at the recent Singapore festival, in recognition of his commitment to the Society both at zone and international level. Michael is also a founder member of the Western Australia branch and has also been instrumental in arranging a number of regional festivals and more recently taking on the role of global Chairman.
Nicola Lee, a member of the APZ Board and also a member of the ICM, was also awarded the André Simon Silver award at the gala event of the Singapore festival last month. Nicola was praised for her extensive involvement with the Society since 1996 at branch and zone level and was thanked for her meticulous arrangement of the APZ Singapore festival.
The André Simon Bronze award was presented to Leonie Allday, on September 24th at the EAZ AGM weekend in Torquay. The award recognises her continued services to Europe Africa, both as Chair of the Bath & Bristol branch and for her contribution as an Executive Committee member responsible for marketing, in particular the development of the Excellence Award which after a trial period is shortly to be launched to all branches.
Many congratulations to Michael, Nicola and Leonie.
Zone News
We welcome the latest news from our Zone Chairmen, and members of the International Council of Management – Stephen Hipple (Americas), Michael Tamburri (Asia Pacific) and John Nicholas (Europe Africa)
Americas Stephen Hipple
I am pleased to report that the Americas membership continues to grow, thus spreading the word about our very special Society. In part this is due to our focus on starting new branches. We expect to have three, if not more, new branches commencing in 2023.
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Asia Pacific Michael Tamburri
It's exciting that we've finally been able to attend an in-person APZ Festival/AGM weekend from 16 - 18 September 2022. The festival was hosted by our Singapore branch and Chaired by our Council member Nicola Lee and her team. It was an inspirational experience for me and all the attendees.
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Europe Africa John Nicholas
Events organised in 2022 by IWFS Europe Africa concluded with a very enjoyable few days in Torquay, as reported earlier. This event was followed by the Europe Africa AGM and Members' Forum which gives those present an opportunity to discuss and present ideas for how to take Europe Africa forward.
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Dates for Your Diary
Americas · Asia Pacific · Europe Africa
2-6 May 2023
Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA (Americas)
Join the Americas for a wonderful tour of this beautiful wine region visiting some of the top wineries and enjoying some of culinary delights of the region. Please click here to read all about it. Now fully booked - waitlist available.
23-27 May 2023
DO Empordà, Catalonia, Spain (Europe Africa)
A delightful festival has been organised by the EAZ's local contacts. It was opened for registration and is now full to capacity. There is a waitlist if you would still like to register. Starting in Barcelona you will then be taken to the Catalonia countryside to explore this 'land of castles' visiting vineyards and enjoying some of the best restaurants. Click here to find out more about this wonderful event.
15 September 2023
Windsor Castle, London, UK (Europe Africa)
Our London branch is celebrating the Society's 90th Anniversary with a Dinner at Windsor Castle, royal residence of King Charles III. Details will be sent out once available and posted on www.iwfs.london
23-29 September 2023
Southampton to New York: Festival of Food at Sea
Members are invited to join this informal group on the Cunard Queen Mary 2 as she sails from Southampton to New York. Whilst not an EAZ event it will be a special voyage staging a Festival of Food & Wine on board and it coincides with the 90th anniversary of the founding of IWFS in November 1933. Click here for more details.
15-29 November 2023
Africa (Europe Africa)
The EAZ are heading on an African adventure for a four-day journey on the luxurious Rovos Rail train from Pretoria to Victoria Falls and night at the iconic Victoria Falls Hotel. There is also a pre-tour in Cape Town from 11-15 November and a post-tour to Livingstone and Lusaka from 20-24 November. Click here for more details and let us know if you wish to be added to the waitlist.
If you are interested in joining an event that is full, or reservations closed, then please contact the organiser in case space is available.
133 Branches Worldwide
Click here to view a complete list and map of our branches around the world. Or on the following links in your chosen region to see where they are.
Americas · Asia Pacific · Europe Africa
Why not explore the opportunities of running a virtual inter-branch event – maybe Miami and Manchester, Tecate and Tokyo Bay – the world, and their cultures, are your oyster...? Contact our International Secretariat to find out more.
International Council of Management
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