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List events by year:

The Greater Omaha Branch of IWFS holds dinners, wine tastings, and educational events throughout the year. Our goal is to provide 8 to 10 events per year for our members and guests.

Some highlights include:

  • Our annual summer picnic
  • Our annual Holiday dinner at Omaha Country Club or Happy Hollow Country Club


October Events

October 07, 2016
Theme Kansas Outing- Day One
Venue Food & Wine Pairing
Location JJ's 1900 Main St, Kansas City, MO
Date Oct 07, 2016
Time 6:30 PM
Registration Closed on Oct 07, 2016
This event has capacity limit of 17 people.
Registered: 0, Slots Available: 17



  There were 17 of us who made the trip, and we were excited to “let the fun begin!   Our hotel (816) was located near the Plaza, and close to the restaurants we where we would be dining.   We started our gathering @ 5PM in the bar/cafeteria area where free mixed drinks, wine, and snacks are provided daily.    (Being the wine snobs that we are), most of us brought our own bottle of wine.   We had our own area, so it was good to get together together to “catch up”  before going to dinner.   

JJ’s was the restaurant for our first night, and it is known for it’s steaks, so of course that was featured on our pre-fix menu.   We had our own area, and assigned staff, who were very welcoming. The chef talked about the food & wine pairings, which was informative.  

There were passed Appetizers and selection of wines for quaffing (which were not on the menu, but they were very tasty & appealing to the palate and nose) and  got us off to a good start!  

The first course (Lobster, shrimp & goat cheese purses) was very unique , and was delightful with the Bouvet Tresor Rose.

The second course  (Butternut Squash soup) was very appropriate for a cool fall  evening , and it was complimented by the Pinot Blanc.

The 8 ounce filet served with a Cabernet for the thrid course was amazing, and we can attest that their reputation for great steaks is well deserved.  Most of us figured on needing a “doggie bag” for left overs, but you didn’t see many people leaving with left-overs!

The Lemon cake with Mascarpone Icing served for desert with the Moscato wine was sweet and tart, and delicious!

After dinner, some of us headed for bed, while some of the group couldn’t resist stopping at the bar next to the hotel for a beer and a time to solve the world’s problems!


October 08, 2016
Theme Day 2 of Week End in Kansas City
Venue Wine/Food pairing
Location Michael Smith's Restaurant
Date Oct 08, 2016
Registration Closed on Oct 08, 2016



Today , after a nice breakfast at the hotel we had “free time”.    It was a beautiful fall day, and six of us ladies enjoyed walking and shopping in the Plaza while our hubbies watched Notre Dame get defeated at a near-by sports bar.   We gathered again at 5:30  in the hotel cocktail area for wine (or cocktails) and snacks, then jumped on the shuttle (or Uber), to meet at Micheal Smith’s Restaurant..   This is a very fine and well known restaurant in Kansas City, and we had our own private room upstairs.  

Appetizers were passed, along with quaffing wines.  We were honored to have a very enjoyable and educational presentation by the Nancy Smith, who is owner/general manager  for the restaurant.   She was extremely knowlegable , and also gave us written material on the wines we would be served for the evening.   

The Chateauneuf du Pape Blanc (a blend of Grenache Blanc, Roussanne, Clairette, and Bourboulenc) served with the Butternut squash raviolini, was absolutely “spot on”! 

The Sonoma duck, paired with the Chappellet Mountain Cuvee in the second course was great, and the presentation was beautiful.

The Artisanal cheese trio for the third course was a course none of had previously experienced, and was beautiful and very tasty, served with the Hungarian wine.

The warm pear strudel for the dessert paired with a french Champagne, was absolutely perfect for a cool autum evening.  

After a great wine and food experience, we headed for the bar for our beer "night cap", but had to settle for a sip of  wine at the hotel because the bar was a little too noisey tonight!  

We departed after a great breakfast the next morning, to return to Omaha with many fond memories of our week end experience in Kansas City!