Americas Greater Omaha


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List events by year:

The Greater Omaha Branch of IWFS holds dinners, wine tastings, and educational events throughout the year. Our goal is to provide 8 to 10 events per year for our members and guests.

Some highlights include:

  • Our annual summer picnic
  • Our annual Holiday dinner at Omaha Country Club or Happy Hollow Country Club


September Events

September 20, 2017
Theme Octoberfest
Location German American Society Hall
Date Sep 20, 2017
Time 6:15 PM
Registration Closed on Sep 20, 2017



This event was held at our local German-American Club, and we have held fall events here on several occasions.

 This year’s event featured more and upgraded wines. Although Germany’s beer is famous, it does produce white and even a few red wines of quality. Nebraska had a large German immigration the later 19th and early 20th centuries and there is a continued interest in the food, drink and culture supporting the German American Social Club. Our host IWFS member, Frank Sobetski, has been involved in this organization since he was a young boy and has become a huge supporter of this German club.

  We were entertained by typical German Fest songs by the male group led by Frank. Dances were dizzying with foot stooping and so much twirling some exchanged partners for a rest. Though not intended to be a gourmet affair, the 13 members and 9 guests enjoyed a typical ethnic fall tradition without the crowds that lined up for the public fest on the previous weekend.