Americas Greater Omaha


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List events by year:

The Greater Omaha Branch of IWFS holds dinners, wine tastings, and educational events throughout the year. Our goal is to provide 8 to 10 events per year for our members and guests.

Some highlights include:

  • Our annual summer picnic
  • Our annual Holiday dinner at Omaha Country Club or Happy Hollow Country Club


April Events

April 19, 2017
Theme An Evening at the Stirnella
Venue Wine & Food Dinner
Location Stirnella Restaurant @ 3814 Farnam
Date Apr 19, 2017
Time 6:30 PM
Registration Closed on Apr 14, 2017

Comments :

Twenty two people , including two guests attended this event , held at  Stirnella’s , which is a new restaurant/bar, located in Mid-Town Omaha.  This area is undergoing  major re-construction, and development, is a hub of activity.  The ambience of the restaurant was inviting and informal,  and put us in the mood for a fun evening. The room we were in was comfortable, and perfect for the size of our group. 

John Ursick, the wine Rep, and former restaurant owner did a great job of talking  about wines we would be enjoying, and Matthew Moser, Executive Chef spoke to us before each course, to prepare us for the food that would  be served.   The two of them obviously worked together, (with input of our event planners) in planning excellent food and wine pairings.

The Quaffing and Hors D’oeuvres served with a chardonnay and a cabernet, got us off to a good start, and were very tasty, unique, and attractive.

For the 1st course, the asparagus salad contained items most of had not heard of (ramps and spek), and was topped with a soft fried egg, was an unusual combination, but very tasty, and great with the Viognier wine.

The 2nd Course, which was also very attractive, unusual, and tasty was complemented very well by the Spanish Garnacha wine.   The morel mushrooms were a special treat, and were locally grown.

The 3rd Course, featured local wagyu short ribs were rich, tender, and succulent with the Red Blend wine.   The spring peas, and carrots puree made for a delicious and beautiful presentation.

The dessert was amazing!  It was almost too pretty to eat, but that didn’t stop any of us!  The rose wine, with a bit of effervesce, complemented the chocolate and strawberries.

Our president, Jeff introduced our guests, and talked about some up-coming events.  All and all it was a fun evening with great, food, wine, conversation.   Isn’t that the purpose of these events???