Americas Greater Omaha


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List events by year:

The Greater Omaha Branch of IWFS holds dinners, wine tastings, and educational events throughout the year. Our goal is to provide 8 to 10 events per year for our members and guests.

Some highlights include:

  • Our annual summer picnic
  • Our annual Holiday dinner at Omaha Country Club or Happy Hollow Country Club


April Events

April 22, 2018
Theme Baralo"s & Barbaresco"s of Piedmont
Location V Mertz
Date Apr 22, 2018
Time 6PM
Registration Closed on Apr 22, 2018


     Twenty-five members and five guests  attended this Piedmont event , which was held , at V Mertz Restaurant,  located in the Old Market, which is for many of us , is our favorite restaurant. For fine dining.   Although, not in-expensive, you can count on great food, and great wines pairings (which you can expect with five Sommeliers on the staff)!     We were honored to have Matthew Brown (an advanced Sommelier) lead us nicely through-out the evening, imparting enthusiasm and knowledge.

  For quaffing, Charcuterie and Cheese was paired with  both dry and still Piedmont wines which woke up our taste buds and noses!

The Fritto Misto which consisted of just a few bites (and was beautifully plated) had a distinct lemon and garlic flavor paired very will with the dry medium bodied Vietti with floral tones and crisp acidity.

The Stuffed morels with an expected earthy flavor was complemented by this blended wine (Domenico and Dolcetto). The ruby red wine had flavors of black fruits.

The Duck tortellini (prepared with grilled broth (?), was perfect with the Mauro Molino, which is  an dry, red Italian wine (had slightly  bitter cherry flavor and hint of cocoanut. The pairing was very nice.

The beef dish course (with polenta and caramelized vegetables)  was delicious, paired  with 2 beautiful, classic,  highly rated ((94-97)  Piedmont Italian reds.  This course hit the ball out of the park!

The wine selected to pair with the Pistachio and cranberry dessert was a Moscato, which was delicate, but intense, with a touch of peaches and sage and hint of citrus,.

The Piedmont theme was certainly carried out well through-out the evening,   I believe we experienced a gastronomic delight  through our senses of vision, smell, and taste, while enjoying the company of other wine lovers!