Americas Greater Omaha


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List events by year:

The Greater Omaha Branch of IWFS holds dinners, wine tastings, and educational events throughout the year. Our goal is to provide 8 to 10 events per year for our members and guests.

Some highlights include:

  • Our annual summer picnic
  • Our annual Holiday dinner at Omaha Country Club or Happy Hollow Country Club


June Events

June 25, 2020
Theme South African Tasting
Venue V Mertz
Location Omaha, Nebraska
Date Jun 25, 2020
Time 6:00 PM
Members: 125.00
Guests: 130.00

The Greater Omaha Branch returned to in-person events with a South African Tasting at V Mertz in the Old Market District in Omaha. The evening began with a quaffing featuring a hominy & almond fritter and biltong potato roti for appetizers, paired with Graham Beck Cap Classique Brut & Rose. XX members and XX guests enjoyed this 5 course meal in one of Omaha's premier downtown dining locations.