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October Events

October 19, 2012
Theme 20th Anniversary Gala Dinner Event
Venue Epping Forest Yacht & Country Club
Location Jacksonville, FL
Date Oct 19, 2012
Time 7:00 PM

IT'S OUR ANNIVERSARY! 20 years ago the Wine & Food Society of Jacksonville was formed as a Branch of The International Wine & Food Society. To commemorate this occasion a very special black tie dinner was planned at Epping Forest Yacht and Country Club. Courses from various events throughout our history were chosen (shown in parenthesis) and recreated by Executive Chef Mike Jablonski. The evening was made particularly special by the awarding of new member medallions to Jim & Maruchi Schumacher and George Rizk. Additonally Mark and Kathy Kallaus were honored with the presentation to them of BGA Silver Medallions for Exceptional Service. The evening was enhanced with soft guitar music throughout the dinner.


For more information contact Kathy Kallaus at