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December Events

December 08, 2012
Theme Annual Holiday Wine Tasting Event
Venue McBride Home
Location Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
Date Dec 08, 2012
Time 7:00 PM

Longtime member Tania McBride agreed to open up her new home in The Plantation at Ponte Vedra to The Wine & Food Society of Jacksonville for our Annual Holiday Party. Tania, who decorates her home for the holidays with many santas rather than trees, always pleases with her hospitality. This event is one of our most popular of the season. Guests were greeted with a glass of sparkling wine to toast the season. Four additional stations were set up around Tania's home and lanai with different styles of wines accompanied by complimentary foods catered by The Patio at Pastiche. As an informal tasting, members and guests were free to wander from station to station, sampling various wines while enjoying the spirit of the season with their wine loving friends. Several wines from The Wine & Food Society's Cellar as well as new purchases for the cellar were highlighted. To make the evening even more festive, Tania brought in a pianist to entertain throughout the evening.


For more intormation contact Kathy Kallaus at