Americas Northeast Texas


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July Events

July 21, 2024
Theme Going For The Gold In Paris
Venue Shady Grove Water Supply Co.
Location Greenville, TX
Date Jul 21, 2024
Registration Closed on Jul 21, 2024

The Northeast Texas Branch gathered on July 21, 2024. The host committee for this tasting planned a celebration of the Olympic Games with food, wine (as well as one beer - a Jamaican pale lager) and even music from 6 Olympic participating countries.  Table decorations included Eiffel Towers, and miniature flags from all countries.  Before the tasting began, we celebrated four Olympians with local ties who are competing for USA, Ghana, and Ukraine.  Two of the four are students at our local university and one is a recent graduate.  As the tasting began, national anthems were played in the background.  

As a special treat, we all toasted to the good health of our birthday girl, Julia Gibson, a member of our branch since 2008.  Surrounding Julia are members Charles Vance, Chip & Carmen Vance, Jennifer Garrett, and Tiffany Willeford.