We have a new branch name. We are now the Omaha Metro Branch!
This site is a service for you and the other members of our branch. It is also a site that you can send any friends who think they might be interested in joining to learn more about us. Certain pages on this site are restricted to members of IWFS only, such as the events and education pages.
Events will be posted as they become confirmed, and menus and invitations will also be posted as they become available.
We hope that you will use and enjoy our web site. If you have any suggestions for improvement, please let any board member know.
We are a group of wine and food enthusiasts dedicated to furthering our knowledge and enjoyment of fine food and wine while providing opportunities to meet and make friends with other like-minded people, sharing experiences along the way.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Omaha Metro Branch of the International Wine and Food Society is to develop a profound understanding and appreciation of both wine and the culinary arts and to enjoy this experience in the camaraderie of friends. Our task is to educate our membership about wine and to develop the skill of matching wine with food. We strive to drink high quality wines and to experience an eclectic array of foods prepared by the area’s top chefs.
Our branch hosts up to 12 events per year. We are interested in introducing our members to chefs and their restaurants’ within the Omaha Metro area. Striving to offer a unique menu and wines carefully paired with the cuisine.
Membership in the Omaha Metro Branch is by invitation only. We welcome new members; please contact us to learn more.
New Member Log in instructions
Purchase IWFS Regalia -click here, you need to be logged in as a member to access the page.