Asia Pacific Bombay
Exploring the mysteries of wine
Exploring the mysteries of wine
Encouraging creativity
Encouraging creativity
Recognising excellence ... Learning from master chefs
Recognising excellence ... Learning from master chefs
Enjoying the best of local produce
Enjoying the best of local produce
Fun with friends, food & wine
Fun with friends, food & wine
Formal fellowship,
Formal fellowship,


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You can view the full Calendar of Events for Bombay here.

February Events

February 17, 2013
Theme Major League 2nds (2nd Wines of Great Bordeaux)
Venue Terrace at Indigo
Location 4 Mandlik Road, Colaba, Mumbai (Bombay)
Date Feb 17, 2013
Time 7.30 pm sharp

The IWFS Bombay Managing Committee has arranged an al fresco dining event for you on the Terrace at Indigo, with a delectable menu to accompany a careful section of eight Major League Seconds.  The list includes the Trilogie and the Pensees de Lafleur, along with little known Chapelle de la Mission (from La Mission Haut Brion) and the well-known Les Forts de latour.

As an added treat there will be an auction of an Imperial (equivalent to 8 regular bottles!) of Bahans Haut Brion 1995 (the ‘second’ wine of Haut Brion).  This party piece is ideal for use at a corporate event or a special wedding dinner. Total sale proceeds will go to charity.

Please view the full invitation, wine notes and menu here.