Asia Pacific Bombay
Exploring the mysteries of wine
Exploring the mysteries of wine
Encouraging creativity
Encouraging creativity
Recognising excellence ... Learning from master chefs
Recognising excellence ... Learning from master chefs
Enjoying the best of local produce
Enjoying the best of local produce
Fun with friends, food & wine
Fun with friends, food & wine
Formal fellowship,
Formal fellowship,


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List events by year:

You can view the full Calendar of Events for Bombay here.

December Events

December 20, 2014
Theme Dreaming of a White Christmas
Venue Le Cirque
Location Leela
Date Dec 20, 2014
Time 19:30

IWFS Bombay Branch will be putting on a spectacular evening of "Great Whites" including 2003 Mersault, Coche-Dury and 2 wines that are rated 100 points by Parker.

There will also be a fundraising auction with proceeds going to the St Judes Charity.

For a copy of the invitation, please click here.

For a copy of the wine list, please click here.