Asia Pacific Bombay
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Recognising excellence ... Learning from master chefs
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February Events

February 09, 2019
Theme Chateau Latour
Venue The Cocktail and Dining Room
Location Four Seasons, Worli
Date Feb 09, 2019
Time 7:30pm

Dear Member,

First Amongst Equals! ...

 ... when it comes to the First Growths of Bordeaux, Chateau Latouris! For sheer longevity, staying power, evolutionand complexity, Latour is peerless in the wine world.

That Les Forts de Latour, the 2nd wine of the Chateau, is regarded a quality equivalent of a 2nd Growth Bordeaux, is both a reinforcementof its greatness and forms the back drop to the Grand Vins historic success and future perch at the top.

Francois Pinault's investment in Chateau Latour in 1995, turned out to be a brilliant one, both for him and the Chateau, which benefited from the generous investments that went into making it the undisputed Tour de Force that it is today.

Driven by Frederic Engerer, the group looked outside Bordeaux for expansion to its ultra-luxury portfolio. Domaine Artemis, as they call themselves now, boasts amongst its peacock feathers, Domaine d'Eugenie, Chateau Grillet, Eisle Vineyard and Clos de Tart.

Jean Garandeau, of Domaine Artemis, on his maiden visit to promote  their  wines, will present an exclusive lineup of the wines of Chateau Latour to our branch, on Saturday 9thFebruary, 2019.

The venue for this elegant evening is The Cocktail and Dining Room, Four Seasons, Worli. The dinner is priced@ Rs. 46,000/member and Rs. 48,000/guest. We will assemble over Champagne at 7:30 PM to sit down at 8:00 PM sharp.

Vinously yours,

Chintamani Kaigaonkar President

International Wine & Food Society, Bombay Branch