Asia Pacific Seoul
Exploring the mysteries of wine
Exploring the mysteries of wine
Encouraging creativity
Encouraging creativity
Recognising excellence ... Learning from master chefs
Recognising excellence ... Learning from master chefs
Enjoying the best of local produce
Enjoying the best of local produce
Fun with friends, food & wine
Fun with friends, food & wine
Formal fellowship,
Formal fellowship,


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April Events

April 19, 2012
Theme Paul Jaboulet Ainé Dinner
Venue Yeon Kyung (Chinese Restaruant)
Location ChungDam-Dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
Date Apr 19, 2012
April 26, 2012
Theme French dinner at Bien Etre
Venue Bien Etre
Location 130 Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Date Apr 26, 2012
Time 7.30pm

My visit to Seoul in April 2012 was very special.  Not only did I learn that Seoul is an amazingly vibrant and dynamic city, but I shared two lovely dinners with members of the recently formed Seoul Branch.  Friday 26 April saw us at a ‘celebrity chef’ French restaurant, ‘Bien Etre’.  It’s a tiny restaurant that takes up to ten people and is outstandingly difficult to find without local knowledge.  With the food there’s a slight sense of being in a time warp but that was all part of the magic as the chef, dressed for the part in his French beret, worked furiously in his tiny kitchen to create a traditional French feast just for us.  It was also a real delight to meet some of the members of IWFS Seoul.  President Jinhwan Jung has gathered some fabulous folk to this branch – watch this space!   (Yvonne Wallis, APZ Chair). 

April 27, 2012
Theme Korean Dinner at Yongsusan
Venue Yongsusan Korean Restaurant
Location Seoul
Date Apr 27, 2012
Time 7:00 PM

Yongsusan, located in a very trendy part of Seoul, serves authentic Korean food.  It’s a perfect choice to show visitors what Korean food is all about.  It was a fun dinner, perhaps even rowdier than expected given the attendance of our roving ambassador Ranjit Murugason from Tanglin Branch in Singapore.  The cellarmaster Sung Hwan did a great job with the wines.   There is no doubt that under the leadership of President Jinhwan Jung this branch is eager to push the boundaries with the wine and food it brings to members.  (Yvonne Wallis, APZ Chair).