Europe Africa Berkshire
Celebrating 90 years . .
Celebrating 90 years . .
Visiting Major Wine Regions
Visiting Major Wine Regions
Visiting Major Wine Regions
Visiting Major Wine Regions
Learning from masters
Learning from masters
Formal but fun
Formal but fun
Buying for quality
Buying for quality
Awarding excellence, applauding service
Awarding excellence, applauding service
Sampling the Best
Sampling the Best
Visiting the wineries
Visiting the wineries
Wine, food and friends
Wine, food and friends

Future Events

Outline programme of future events 2025


All meetings are held in the Neville Hall, Waltham St Lawrence unless otherwise described

The aperitif will be served from 6.45pm, with the tasting starting at 7.15pm

A two course supper is provided by Mark Robertson (

Members £40 Guests £45. Please pay  by bank transfer by the Sunday before the meeting and let Andrew Johnson know if you are coming

Lloyds Bank
IWFS Berkshire Branch
Sort-code 309536
Account No. 32638760


Friday 21 st February 2025
AGM followed by Richard and Eka Cox: Wines of Georgia

I will endeavour to keep the AGM as short as possible.

Taste of Georgia is a small independent husband and wife operation; now in its eighth year, it was set up to improve awareness of Georgia, its culture and customs, and its wonderful wines, the product of 8000 years of unbroken wine-making heritage. It continues to expand its range in line with the growing interest in the
wines of Georgia and also in Georgia itself as an award-winning tourist destination.
The presentation will aim to showcase the diversity and excellence of Georgian wine, but also to interweave some detail around Georgia the country and its winemaking history. Richard and Eka will take members through simple clean crisp whites to the more complex ambers and on to the reds in ascending order of body/abv, ending with a chilled semi-sweet red.

Mark will provide a starter of Khachapuri (cheese filled bread with egg) and a main course of Goulash.


Friday 21st March

Paul Fritz-Johnson (Welch and Co)  Wines of the Southern Rhône


Friday 16th May

Kevin Hart (79North)  Wines of Portugal


Saturday 12 or Sunday 13 July

External visit


Friday 15th August 

Martin Chapman (Watlington Fine Wines)  Italy


Friday 19th September 

Tim North (Joie de Vin)  Wines of France


Friday 17th October

Dan Farrell-Wright (Wickham Wine)  Beaujolais


Friday 21st November



Friday 12th December

Pippa Hayward (Association of Wine Educators/The Good Wine Shop) The Douro – still wines and ports