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List events by year:

Please go to for a full listing and details of past and upcoming events, and to make bookings on line. 

You can also email for further information.

Latest News

London Branch has awarded an IWFS Excellence Award to Sam's Riverside Restaurant at Hammersmith.  This was presented after a supberb lunch served to us by Sam and his team on 25th May 2023.  

October Events

October 02, 2018
Theme Around the Margaux Appellation
Venue The Naval Club, London
Date Oct 02, 2018

A Wine Tasting hosted by Paul Mapplebeck, and supper afterwards cooked by Anne Marie.


October 09, 2018
Theme Fine Wines from Spain
Venue M, Zig Zag Building, London
Date Oct 09, 2018

A Tutored Tasting Of Fine Wines from across the Regions of Spain.


October 25, 2018
Theme English versus French wines
Venue The Naval Club, London
Date Oct 25, 2018

An opportunity to compare French and English wines from the same grapes.


October 29, 2018
Theme Get Ready for Halloween?
Venue The Naval Club, London
Date Oct 29, 2018

Examine the past and look into the future: a social evening preceded by a very short AGM.