Europe Africa Lusaka
Celebrating 90 years . .
Celebrating 90 years . .
Visiting Major Wine Regions
Visiting Major Wine Regions
Visiting Major Wine Regions
Visiting Major Wine Regions
Learning from masters
Learning from masters
Formal but fun
Formal but fun
Buying for quality
Buying for quality
Awarding excellence, applauding service
Awarding excellence, applauding service
Sampling the Best
Sampling the Best
Visiting the wineries
Visiting the wineries
Wine, food and friends
Wine, food and friends


« Jan
Mar »
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List events by year:

Our next function will be the Chairman's Dinner followed by Glyndebourne. Please contact for more details.   





February Events

February 19, 2023
Theme Branch AGM
Venue Quorum
Date Feb 19, 2023
Time 1000hrs for 1015hrs
Registration Closed on Feb 19, 2023