Europe Africa Surrey Hills

Garden Party in Weybridge

Theme Garden Party in Weybridge
Venue Gable End, Devonshire Road,
Location Weybridge. Surrey KT13 8HB
Date Jun 21, 2013
Time 1.00 pm
Host Helen Mills
Registration Closed on Jun 21, 2013
Members: 18.00


Dear Friends                                                                                                                     10th June  2013


Never mind the weather we have to plan in spite of it! Therefore we are having Garden party here on Sunday 21st July. Should the weather be unkind to us then you’ll all have to come indoors, but let us hope for a fine day. We have been lucky here in other years.

There will be a selection of buffet dishes including salads and desserts and coffee.

We shall commence with a glass of ‘Bubbly’ and then there will be ’quaffing’ wines to accompany the meal.

Venue: As above

Cost: £18.00 for members

Time; 1.00 pm


I hope you have all been taking advantage of the Capital events, don’t forget the other Branches.