Europe Africa Surrey Hills

Starters and Puds in its 21st Year

Theme Starters and Puds in its 21st Year
Venue chez Alan & Stephanie Shepherd
Location 59 Lime Avenue, Camberley GU15 2BH
Date Sep 01, 2012
Time 1:00 pm
Host Alan & Stephanie

I cannot believe that we have done S & Ps for 21 years, but facts cannot lie. Alan and Stephanie have agreed to host this event as they did in 2009, I am really grateful to them for their commitment. With the Olympics and the Diamond Jubilee going on it has been difficult to fit events so we are now into September. The places will be limited so please book early.  

As usual we need from all you dedicated chefs suggestions for the event. Four Starters and four Puds are our norm. Please let me know asap if you can provide a dish as the tastes and flavours  of each have to be co-ordinated and so that we can design the menu.

We shall commence with a glass of ‘Bubbly’ and then there will be wines to quaff throughout the meal, plus coffee and tea.