Honorary President's Message Dave Felton
Traditionally, the end of the calendar year is the busiest period for our Society as branches around the world, accompanied by the best in holiday food and wine, celebrate in multiple ways. Last year’s events were subdued or non-existent. Hopes for this year were certainly higher. Yet the deadly COVID-19 virus rages again in some places. For those of us who are safe, we celebrate our good fortune. For those of us in danger, we must remember that we have many friends both nearby and faraway. We remain an international body that extols the holding of hands across great distances. My hand is out to you. Our hands are out to all in the Society.
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Our Events
Success in San Antonio
It was a truly five star event with a mix of luxury and culture, including the best in food and wine. Guests stayed at the delightful Hotel Emma, on the Riverwalk, and enjoyed stepping into prehistoric times at the Witte Museum and visiting the historical landmarks of the 18th century buildings of Mission San José and The Alamo. Fine dining was a must plus a sensory tasting led by one of the world's 418 Masters of Wine and more.....
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Asia Pacific
Our branches are busy…
It is very encouraging that despite the challenges of Covid the APZ continues to face, many branches have been fortunate enough to hold events or have plans in their diaries. Here is an update of some of our branch event news with Taiwan, Hong Kong, Australia (WA and Victoria), China and Seoul branches all having managed to arrange events to celebrate friendship, food and wine.
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Europe Africa
The Magic of Madeira!
In early November, 23 members successfully arrived in Madeira for a delightful five-day festival involving learning much about the history of the island and the development of Madeira wines. The festival featured five different tastings of about 50 wines of different styles and vintages.
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New For Members
Member App Updates: Food & Wine Pairing
Have you yet clicked on the Wine & Food Pairing button on our Member App? If not then we recommend you give it a try. This is a really useful guide to assist you in pairing wine with food. Correct pairing improves the palate of both the wine and cuisine, as well as enhancing the dining experience
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Vintage App
Your updated version is now available and can be viewed direct from your mobile or tablet. All the latest vintage assessments, plus the addition of Loire Dry – White (on the App only), can be viewed anytime, anywhere, no need to wait to receive or look for your printed copy. Just click on this link to download your copy now. If you already have it downloaded then the new data will automatically upload.
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Have you asked Sid…?
Do check out Sid Cross’s blog on the website. Sid answers members questions in the world of wine and food or he will post his latest fascinating wine and/or food experience. This isn’t a new venture for Sid and there are archived editions of his blog dating back to 2013. Check out June 2020 when Sid explains the Vancouver branch novel way to run a socially distanced ‘supper party’ with a twist.
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New Monograph Released: Exploring Blended Scotch
Our latest monograph ‘Exploring Blended Scotch’ has been released. When you receive your copy we hope you welcome the departure into the dynamic spirits world when we investigate the sheer delights of blended Scotch whisky – uncovering many of the hidden treasures of what is the ‘foundation of the Scotch whisky industry’.
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André Simon Lecture 2021: Focusing on Barolo and Barbaresco
This year’s lecture heads to Italy. Our very own Wines Consultant for Piedmont and Valpolicella (Amarone), Michael Garner, is taking us on a journey of the ‘magical’ wines of Barolo and Barbaresco and their role in the risorgimento (renaissance) of fine Italian wine.
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Vintage Card 2022
The updated version has now been published. We are continually grateful to our Wine Consultants and Wines Committee members who ensure the prestige of the Card is maintained by providing us with their expert knowledge, which they do without charge – for which we thank them also. Members will receive their copy as part of their 2022 membership of the Society plus copies are available to purchase from the website – the ideal gift to include with your seasonal cards.
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In order to spread the word further about the wealth of information about wine and food published by the IWFS our e-books are now available to purchase via a number of other leading online platforms which you may like to direct friends, family and colleagues to – Apple, Barnes and Noble, KOBO and Amazon Kindle.
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Our Awards
André Simon Bronze Medal
Kathy Kallaus, Americas Board member and Editor for their zone magazine, Wine, Food & Friends, was awarded the André Simon Bronze medal recently for her outstanding and devoted service to the IWFS. The surprise presentation was made at the gala dinner of the recent Americas San Antonio festival on 29 October. Congratulations Kathy.
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Zone News
We welcome the latest news from our Zone Chairmen, and members of the International Council of Management – Stephen Hipple (Americas), Michael Tamburri (Asia Pacific) and John Nicholas (Europe Africa)
Americas Stephen Hipple
The Americas is doing really well - nearly all branches have been able to resume in-person events and with most restaurants re-opening, dinners are back on the menu! Virtual dinners seem to be a thing of the past. I am also very pleased to report that our two new branches, Arkansas and Denver, held a host of events this year and have great plans for next year too - in true IWFS style.
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Asia Pacific Michael Tamburri
There is light at the end of the tunnel – as I begin my second year of office as Chair of the APZ I am pleased to say the future is looking brighter plus I am also reminded of 1978 when my IWFS journey began - Australian singer John Paul Young sang “Love is in the Air” and I attended a lecture at university presented by Max Lake, father of the Australian boutique wine industry and also a firm friend of our founder André Simon.
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Europe Africa John Nicholas
Two festivals in two months! What a pleasure it has been - meeting both Europe Africa members and also a sprinkling of members from other zones showing that our international connections are still alive. The Madeira festival was a huge success as highlighted in Zone news above and was preceded by our festival in the university town of Cambridge. Plus we have three more festivals scheduled for 2022. Enormous thanks to Stephanie Shepherd, EAZ’s Events Coordinator, and her team.
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25-30 April 2022
Alsace, France (Europe Africa)
The EAZ are planning to head to the city of Colmar in 2022. Colmar is the capital of this historic wine region and the festival will aim to give you a taste of some of the best wineries and restaurants in the area. This event is now open for booking.
2-7 May 2022
Piedmont, Italy (Europe Africa)
In view of the continuing uncertainty around COVID-19 restrictions this event has now been rescheduled for May 2022. Members who booked for this year will be contacted individually. You might like to make a note of these dates in your diary. We will be announcing full details of the programme later in the year.
NB – if you wished for an extended holiday in Europe It would be possible to join both tours, of Alsace and Piedmont, although they are being run separately.
5-13 May 2022
Paris & Bordeaux, France (Americas)
This amazing Americas event has been rescheduled for next May – the itinerary will be in essence the same. The itinerary includes visiting some of the most exclusive venues in Paris; then in Bordeaux a stunning itinerary includes private tours and tastings of top chateaux. Last few places available. Click here for more details.
3-5 June 2022
Singapore (Asia Pacific)
The APZ are making plans for a festival on this delightful island country for members to enjoy its culinary delights and explore the many jewels of this island including the Singapore Botanic Gardens – the only tropical garden in the world to be awarded a UNESCO Heritage Site. The APZ AGM will also be held during this weekend. Details to be released as available. Programme and event subject to change depending on the pandemic.
October 2022
USA (Americas)
There are plans to hold an Americas Great Weekend and AGM in October next year. Details have yet to be confirmed.
October 2022
England (Europe Africa)
A weekend of fine food and wine will be held for the EAZ Great Weekend AGM and Members Forum - details, and destination, to be confirmed.
2-6 May 2023
Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA (Americas)
Join the Americas for this exciting Willamette Valley 5 Day Festival, giving you the chance to visit some of the best wineries of this region renowned for its world class Pinot Noir. More details to follow.
If you are interested in joining an event that is full, or reservations closed, then please contact the organiser in case space is available.
131 Branches Worldwide
Click here to view a complete list and map of our branches around the world. Or on the following links in your chosen region to see where they are.
Americas · Asia Pacific · Europe Africa
Why not explore the opportunities of running a virtual inter-branch event – maybe Miami and Manchester, Tecate and Tokyo Bay – the world, and their cultures, are your oyster...? Contact our International Secretariat to find out more.
International Council of Management
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