Message from the President Chris Bonsall
In the manifesto of the Labour Party's campaign for power in the United Kingdom in 1997 its leader, Tony Blair, outlined his priorities for office as "Education, education, education". Perhaps we, in The International Wine and Food Society, should, 27 years later, be saying our future depends on "Youth, youth, youth". We have recently witnessed two excellent examples of how this can drive our Society forward.
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Our Festivals
19-26 August 2024
Europe, Rhine Valley (Americas)
What a trip! That's what 107 lucky IWFS members from around the world must be thinking, if not saying, about the Americas Rhine River Cruise this summer. The trip was deftly organised by Charles Schurhammer and began near the Rhine's source in Basel, Switzerland, and cruised to the great river's mouth in Amsterdam.
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13-15 September 2024
West Yorkshire, UK (Europe Africa)
A Europe Africa Great Weekend combined with their AGM offered members across the region the opportunity to share great wine and food in beautiful West Yorkshire. Members enjoyed the Pinot Noir video with Anne Krebiehl MW (along with 'tasty' dishes prepared by members), dinner at Moortown Golf Club and a tour of Harewood House (home of the Lascelles family) was followed by dinner at The Hovels on the Harewood Estate (part of the family's fine dining and food initiatives).
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16-19 November 2024
Hong Kong & Macau, China (Asia Pacific)
Destination Hong Kong & Macau - In the spirit of the IWFS, friendships were formed over fine food and wine at the Asia Pacific’s recent festival. Staying at the luxurious Regent Hotel on the waterfront of the Hong Kong harbour, members were treated to some of Hong Kong’s finest restaurants and key tourist destinations. Macau, the post tour destination, was a Michelin star treat.
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Sharing regional initiatives
Below are two exciting initiatives being undertaken by our regions and could be adopted by other branches or regions to further enhance their profile and potentially increase membership. Please read on and if you would like to find out more please email sec@iwfs.org and we will put you in touch with the correct person.
Americas - Young Members Circle
Things are looking bright in the Americas with the opening of the Young Members Circle (The YMC) in New York with 70+ members and two high profile events already been held - in September at the New York Yacht Club featuring the wines of Ch Cheval Blanc and Ch d’Yquem, followed soon after with a Chapoutier Dinner at La Goulue on the UES (pictured). Find out more about the key to its success and also to read the interview between Chris Ankner, Americas Chair, and Alan Frishman, The YMC founder… Click here to read more
Europe Africa - Young Chef Competition 2025
Now in its fourth year, this competition aims to connect with budding chefs by encouraging them to be creative in their dishes and to also help build their confidence as they go through catering college and beyond. The competition also introduces the IWFS to these young students as they embark on a career in the world of food and possibly wine, so they know who we are should our paths cross again in the future. Click here to read more
New For Members
Vintage Reports
The latest vintage reports, for the 2023 and 2024 vintages, to accompany the 2025 Vintage Card are now available to read here. You can read and digest at your leisure. The reports have once again been kindly provided freely by our treasured wine consultants and we are very grateful. Your Card will arrive as you renew your membership - or you can access all the information today by downloading the App on your phone or tablet . Photo © Jim Budd
Time for Tea online
Need ideas for a 2025 branch event?
Why not run our online Time for Tea Tasting? It is just a click away. Tea expert Will Battle will take you through six quality teas and give you time to taste the difference between First and Second Flush Darjeeling! There is also a checklist to ensure you have all you need for a successful event.
Tea monograph - e-version now available
For those of you who prefer reading on a screen, rather than paper, then please note that this is now available for members who wish to read this online. Click here to download an epub file (it is recommended that this is read using Adobe Digital Editions) or a pdf.
In the news on Sid's Blog
In addition to our Wine Consultants providing vintage summaries, Sid's blog offers a wealth of information. For those of you keen to read about the 2024 vintage, one of the latest questions posed to Sid is "How is the California Grape Harvest for 2024 looking?" Click here to find out Sid's answer. Plus read about the new cult Napa Cabernet from Simon Family Estate (18 November). Thank you Sid for sharing your wealth of knowledge of wine and food.
GuildSomm International - discounted membership
GuildSomm International (GSI) is offering discounted membership to IWFS member. GSI is a leading provider of wine, spirits and beverage education. It is a not-for-profit membership organisation with a mission to create and deliver the most accurate, comprehensive and accessible beverage-related content to its members. You don't have to be an industry professional, membership is also aimed at the enthusiastic wine consumer. Click here for details
Great to see…
Members from the Americas were welcomed at the In & Out Club, London in recent months. In the Summer Ben Matheson (Fort Worth) came to visit and we enjoyed a glass of champagne in the sunshine. In the Autumn Charity and Justin Hattenhauer (Arkansas) (pictured) made a brief visit while on their way to a Jose Carreras concert in Croatia. In November it was lovely to meet, on a return stay at the Club, Linda Stevens and John Moses (Independents, Canada) who had cruised, literally, in and out of Southampton and were thoroughly enjoying their stay. Click here to read more
Our Awards
The last few months have seen no less than 10 prestigious André Simon medals being awarded to a host of truly worthy recipients in recognition of their work for the Society.
André Simon Gold medals
Americas member Stephen (Steve) Hipple was presented with his much deserved award on 24 August 2024 during the Americas Rhine River Cruise. Steve has served the Society for over 25 years in many capacities - but always had in mind for the Society to grow and thrive. He has been Americas board member, Chairman of the Festival and Events Committee, Chairman of the Americas and a member of the International Council of Management (ICM) for four years. He has more recently been the creator and driving force behind the hugely popular Member App. Click here to read more about the presentation
Ron Barker received his highly merited award on 2 December 2024 at the Christmas Dinner of his branch, Blackpool & Fylde Coast. John Nicholas, Europe Africa (EA) Chair and ICM member made the surprise presentation to Ron. John spoke of Ron's 25 years of service to the Society on many levels at branch, region and International level including Chairman of his branch and also of the EA region. During his time he transformed the region's magazine Food & Wine and today is Chairman of the Society Wines Committee, which pulls together the annual Vintage Guide. Click here to view the winners gallery
At the closing event of the Hong Kong festival, on 17 November, Michael Tamburri presented six awards to Asia Pacific members in recognition of their work and dedication to the Society.
André Simon Silver medals
Two members were presented with this prestigious award - Eddie Hu, Taipei branch, for his work as a member of the Asia Pacific Executive Committee, former branch President, for facilitating the expansion of the number of branches in Taiwan and also for his steadfast support of events for members of the region and globally across the Society since joining the Society in 2012; and to Erik Lehnacker, Victoria branch, who joined the Society in 2009, he has served as President of his branch and continues to serve as Director and Treasurer/Secretary of Asia Pacific a role he has held since 2012 and assisting in the successful running of regional and international events. Click here to view the winners gallery
André Simon Bronze medals
Four of these medals were awarded to members for their continued support of the Asia Pacific region - Chan May Peng, Kuala Lumpur branch, who has served as her branch President and is a current committee member; Nirmal Bhogilal, Bombay branch who has also served as President of his branch and has worked to support the Asia Pacific region in particular assisting with a festival in 2017; Primitivo (Sonny) Garcia, Philippines branch, is a loyal and longstanding member having joined in January 1998 and who has assisted in building the branding of the region's branches; Karen Leung, Hong Kong branch President, Asia Pacific Executive Member and Chair of the recent very successful Hong Kong festival and who joined the Society in July 2016. Click here to view the winners gallery
Regional News
We welcome the latest news from our Chairs from the regions, Chris Ankner (Americas), Michael Tamburri (Asia Pacific) and John Nicholas (Europe Africa).
Americas Chris Ankner
It was a surprisingly active summer for the Americas. I'd like to give a hearty 'welcome aboard' to the Young Members' Circle of the IWFS of Metropolitan NY. This is a new branch that just received their Provisional Charter last month. The Branch is only open to members aged 21-39. The branch will act as a feeder to the long-established New York Branch.
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Asia Pacific Michael Tamburri
What a delight to finally be able to welcome members to the IWFS Triennial Hong Kong / Macau. It was a celebration which exceeded expectations after 6 years of planning and I'm delighted that Hong Kong President and festival coordinator Karen Leung and her Committee in showcasing an exceptional wine and food experience in 2 major vibrant global 'metropolis' of the world. It was pleasing to see over 90 attendees from 25 of our global branches in attendance. Click here to read more
Europe Africa John Nicholas
As we approach the festive season, I wish you all happy holidays and best wishes for the New Year. Joan and I recently returned from the Hong Kong festival, where unusually late typhoons failed to dampen the spirits of the participants in this celebration of Asian culture and cuisine matched by some wonderful wines and great company.
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Dates for the Diary
Americas · Asia Pacific · Europe Africa
4-8 May 2025
Napa Valley, USA (Americas)
Please put May in your diary for this very special festival to the Napa Valley. Home to some fantastic restaurants and there are plans to dine at the best. More details to follow shortly.
20-25 May 2025
Rioja, Spain + Bilbao Pre-Tour (Europe Africa)
Join us for a taste of Spain visiting this classic wine region. A pre-festival based in Bilbao (May 18-20) can also be booked on the website. This has proved very popular. The festival is fully booked and a waitlist is being held, but there are a few places still available on the pre-tour to Bilbao. Click here to view details.
September 2025
AGM & Festival Weekend, UK (Europe Africa)
Please keep this month in mind to join us in the UK. All members, including those from Asia Pacific and Americas, are welcome to join us.
3-9 November 2025
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia + Ipoh & Penang Pre-Tour (Asia Pacific)
Join us for our main festival in Kuala Lumpur. Pre-tour events are also planned in Ipoh and Penang. Put the dates in your diary.
If you are interested in joining an event that is full, or reservations closed, then please contact the organiser in case space is available.
134 Branches Worldwide
Click here to view a complete list and map of our branches around the world. Or on the following links in your chosen region to see where they are.
Americas · Asia Pacific · Europe Africa
Why not explore the opportunities of running a virtual inter-branch event – maybe Miami and Manchester, Tecate and Tokyo Bay – the world, and their cultures, are your oyster...? Contact our International Secretariat to find out more.
International Council of Management
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