Message from the President Chris Bonsall
Your Society is in excellent health. So say I after attending two contrasting Festivals in May, namely one in the Willamette Valley, Oregon, and the other in Catalunya, Spain.
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Global News
New Chairman Appointment
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Mike Donohoe (r) as Chairman of the International Council of Management (ICM). He was handed the reigns from outgoing ICM Chairman, Michael Tamburri (l) during the Americas Willamette Valley Festival; formally at the Council meeting held on 7 May 2023.
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Message from the Global Chairman
It is an honor and privilege to have been recently elected to serve as your Chairman of the International Council. I look forward to hosting our next Council meeting in early November. Hopefully, I've learned something from prior chairmen Ian Nicol, Andrew Jones, and Michael Tamburri, whose diligent leadership has brought us together and moved us forward.
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Our Festivals
2-6 May 2023
Willamette Valley, USA (Americas)
What a tremendous success this five-day festival was. Based in the heart of the Willamette Valley 120 guests from around the world tasted their way around the many premium wines of the region as well as a number of top wines from Burgundy.
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23-27 May 2023
D.O. Emporda, Catalunya, Spain (Europe Africa)
Forty members of the Society were treated to an immersive Spanish cultural experience and also enjoyed life in Spanish time! Upon arrival in Barcelona they enjoyed a wonderful evening at the private Club Liceu, next to the famous Liceu ballet theatre.
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Branch News
We are very pleased to report that two new branches have opened in the Sunshine state of Florida. They are:
Florida, USA - Gulfstream Branch
The Gulfstream Branch celebrated its formation with two superb inaugural events in mid-April. On April 14, Board Member Susan Hurley Essen opened up her home for a tasting of Bergström wines from Oregon's Willamette Valley.
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Florida, USA - Jupiter Branch
The inaugural dinner for the Jupiter branch was held in celebration of the Chinese New Year. The dinner featured Chinese food and member John Hamman said… "hosting an inaugural Jupiter branch event featuring Chinese food made it a bit of a wine adventure for all of us, but Julia Collins, one of our Jupiter Branch members (and who is also an IWFS member of the NY and Houston chapters), did a brilliant job of pairing food and wine together. It was a great evening!"
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New For Members
90th Anniversary commemorative gift
In order to recognise the Society's 90th Anniversary each member household will receive three complimentary DropStops which the ICM hope you will find useful when sharing wines with friends and family - and to save those splashes of red (or even white) wine missing the glass. Please let your zone Chair know about your plans to celebrate our 90th Anniversary. Don't forget you can download the logo from the website to add that professional touch to your event promotion.
Latest Monograph: Pinot Noir Around the World
This is a timely release, shortly after the Americas festival in the Pinot-centric Willamette Valley in Oregon. Anne is recognised, by the experts, as a leading expert in this field, plus she is a self-confessed lover of this noble grape and admits to it being one of her abiding passions. Click here to read more
IWFS Gift Bottle Bags
These branded gift bottle bags are a smart, and convenient, way to present a thank you or a gift to your Society friends. The bags are able to hold wine, champagne or port and are now available for you to purchase via the merchandise page of your zone pages of the website.
Member App - Asian & Oriental matchings now added
For those of you who enjoy Asian and Oriental cuisines you will be pleased to know that some new matchings to the Wine & Food Pairing section of the Member App have been made focussing on these styles of food. Click here to read more
Vintage Guide 2024
The Wines Committee met in May to run discuss next year's Vintage Guide. Good news in the northern hemisphere as indications are that Bordeaux and the sweeties in the Loire are top wines for 2022, although Sauternes did not perform quite so well. While in the southern hemisphere… Click here to read more
Wine articles
Have you read: Don't forget that you can read a range of articles specially commissioned by the Society with professional and expert writers on wine topics ranging from South America to the Loire, and from Portugal to Oregon.
Click here to read the articles.
In the news on Sid's Blog
Q: What is all this current buzz about Glou Glou wine?
A: A relatively new term used for wines that invite glugging - fast gulping with a sound similar to liquid quickly coming out of the neck of a bottle! Glou Glou suits well the lighter young fresh lower alcohol drinkable wines like Muscadet or Beaujolais. Also more widely used in connection with the easy drinking natural wine movement of both white and red…Click here to read more
Our Awards
New Global Chairman Mike Donohoe was awarded the André Simon Gold medal in recognition of his dedicated work for the Society internationally and his enthusiastic and distinguished service towards the prosperity of the Americas. Click here to read more
James Lin was awarded the André Simon Silver medal on 22 April 2023 to recognise his dedication to the Society on an international and regional level when he was a member of the ICM and also APZ Chairman from 2018-2020. James has also been the President of the Taipei branch from 2017-2018. James was instrumental in the organisation of the APZ festival in Auckland, New Zealand in 2019.
Christopher Ankner, Americas board member was awarded the André Simon Bronze medal for his twelve years of meritorious service to the IWFS Americas during which time he has served on a number of committees including the Marketing Committee and the Finance Committee as well as serving as Assistant Treasurer.
Alex Sokol Blosser was awarded the Society Diploma in recognition of his longstanding commitment and support as Wines Consultant for Oregon (Red) Wines for the IWFS Vintage Guide. He has fulfilled this role since 2011. The Society has benefited from him providing his expert knowledge and advice, freely, on the wines of Oregon. Click here to read more
Zone News
We welcome the latest news from our Zone Chairmen, and members of the International Council of Management – Stephen Hipple (Americas), Michael Tamburri (Asia Pacific) and John Nicholas (Europe Africa)
Americas Stephen Hipple
One of our main goals in the Americas is to raise awareness of the Society in our region and to attract new members. Our strategy has been to focus on two areas – revamping the Americas pages and then providing on hand support to opening a branch.
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Asia Pacific Michael Tamburri
In April 2023 I commenced an almost three-month journey visiting countries across all three Society zones. This was an opportunity to meet and enjoy the company of many of our branch members whose efforts contribute to the success of the Society. As APZ Chair my trip began with a number of branches in the region namely Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan. As outgoing Global Chairman I then headed to the US for the Willamette Valley festival in Oregon.
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Europe Africa John Nicholas
It is great news that Europe Africa has resumed normal activities with branches holding a broad programme of events. After the catch up in 2022 with festivals initiated before Covid in Alsace and Piedmont, we had a wonderful new festival in Catalonia, Spain at the end of May.
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Dates for Your Diary
Americas · Asia Pacific · Europe Africa
6-9 September 2023
Chicago, USA (Americas)
Join the Americas for a four-day Great Wine Experience.The main event will be an exclusive tasting of 2015 Vosne-Romanee Premiers Crus led by Burgundy expert Allen Meadows, aka “Burghound”. Watch this space for more details.
15 September 2023
Windsor Castle, London, UK (Europe Africa)
90th Anniversary Dinner at Windsor Castle - An event organised by the London branch to celebrate the Society's 90th Anniversary with a Dinner at Windsor Castle to include a reception in the Dean's Cloister and dinner in the medieval Vicars' Hall. Members across the globe are welcome. Full details on www.iwfs.london. Now full with waitlist - see below for extra date.
20-21 September 2023
Brockenhurst, New Forest National Park, UK (Europe Africa)
EAZ AGM - Are you sailing on the Queen Mary 2 cruise to New York in September? If so, join us for a delightful two days in the heart of the New Forest National Park in the Hampshire countryside which is ideally located before your departure. Share wine and food with members from the Europe Africa branches with dinner at two English country hotels - the Rhinefield and the Balmer Hall. Also if you are an EAZ member and have not yet signed up then please click here.
23-29 September 2023
Crossing Continents - Southampton to New York: Festival of Food at Sea
This is an opportunity for IWFS members from all zones to join this voyage on Cunard's Queen Mary 2 from Southampton to New York. Whilst not an EAZ event it will be a special voyage staging a Festival of Food & Wine on board and it coincides with the 90th anniversary of the founding of IWFS in November 1933. For more details email Peter McGahey or via our website.
18-22 October 2023
Sydney, Australia (Asia Pacific)
The APZ invite you to join them for a truly exceptional food and wine experience in this wonderfully vibrant city. There is also a Melbourne and Mornington Peninsula post-festival tour planned from 24-27 October. The APZ would love to welcome you. Please click here for more details and bookings.
15-20 November 2023
Africa (Europe Africa)
This is a four-day African adventure on the luxurious Rovos Rail train from Pretoria to Victoria Falls and night at the iconic Victoria Falls Hotel. There is also a pre-tour in Cape Town from 11-15 November and a post-tour to Livingstone and Lusaka from 20-24 November. A place has become available. Please click here to see if still available.
29 February 2024
Windsor Castle, London, UK (Europe Africa)
Dinner - plans are in the pipeline for a second event at this exclusive venue for those unable to attend in September. Put the date in your diary and full details to be sent out in due course.
28 May - 1 June 2024
Loire Valley, France (Europe Africa)
Join Europe Africa for the opportunity to discover this region with its chateaux, fine cuisine and different wines produced along the longest river in France from the Atlantic coast through Touraine to central France. Details will be provided in the coming months.
19-26 August 2024
Rhine - Castles and Wine (Americas)
Swiss Alps, Rhine Castles and Wine Cruise: The Americas are working with AmaWaterways to produce a exclusive itinerary for our guests. Enjoy private winery tours from the foothills of the Swiss Alps to the canals of Amsterdam. Invitation to be sent in the coming months.
15-17 November 2024
Hong Kong (Asia Pacific)
Plans are being made for a pre-tour to Macau from November 14-15, 2024, a festival programme in Hong Kong city from 15-17 November and a post-Gourmet tour November 18-19 2024 - put the dates in your diary. Full details to follow.
If you are interested in joining an event that is full, or reservations closed, then please contact the organiser in case space is available.
131 Branches Worldwide
Click here to view a complete list and map of our branches around the world. Or on the following links in your chosen region to see where they are.
Americas · Asia Pacific · Europe Africa
Why not explore the opportunities of running a virtual inter-branch event – maybe Miami and Manchester, Tecate and Tokyo Bay – the world, and their cultures, are your oyster...? Contact our International Secretariat to find out more.
International Council of Management
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