Honorary President's Message Dave Felton
What to do? What to do?
The Grapevine is shared among all 6000 members of the Society throughout the world. It may be read throughout America, as well as by members in Estonia's Tallinn & Malaysia's Kuala Lumpur. Members in Australia's far-away Perth receive it, as do those in South Africa's Cape Town. Members in multiple branches in Japan and England can share in the activities of our Society by reading about their fellow members in the Grapevine.
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Branch News
The Future is Looking Bright
Many branch dinners in the Americas are returning to normal as members receive their Covid-19 vaccine. Some branches have had negligible interruptions in scheduling events. Other branches have had success with Zoom tastings, by the way of wine and food deliveries to participants. Regrettably, a few branches have been unable to organize dinners. This is changing fast. Most branches should be able to return to in-person dinners this summer. The future is looking bright...
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Asia Pacific
Travel Bubbles and Vaccinations
APZ has branches in 13 countries. Given the global response to the pandemic, it is no surprise that APZ branches currently provide a variety of events for their members depending on existing travel bubbles or vaccination rates.
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Europe Africa
Virtual events involving multiple branches after lockdown?
EAZ are examining the possibility of continuing with virtual events even when lockdown restrictions allow us to have face-to-face events – at the same time still working with some of the top chefs and wine merchants.
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For Members
Blended Scotch - Extended version for 2021 monograph title
In spite of its global popularity, Blended Scotch, has been largely ignored by publishers. Charles MacLean and Stuart Leaf will rectify this in our forthcoming monograph on the subject. In order to also do justice to this topic it will be an ‘extended’ edition. Watch this space for details!
Branch Directory for 2021/2022
The latest up-to-date details of IWFS branch contacts around the globe will be available in the coming months in our new Branch Directory – just as travel restrictions begin to be lifted. You may be beginning to make travel plans in which case please do use this to talk with the local branch contact and find out ‘the’ places to visit and who is new on the local food and wine scene.
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Faults & Flaws in Wine
With the faults in some wines on the increase we have commissioned an article, to appear in the Zone magazines, written by Keith Grainger who is a wine writer, educator, consultant winemaker, expert and author on this topic. Keith identifies two of the most serious faults that many of you will have encountered when opening a bottle of wine - ‘cork taint’ and the less well known, but increasingly problematic fault, lightstrike.
Click here to view the article, as published in the Spring 2021 issue of Wine, Food & Friends
Member App - new update
This is a ‘must download’ for all members. Why? We are regularly reviewing the content and we have recently made additions. Now at the click of a button, on your phone or tablet, you can access the exclusive IWFS Vintage Card, read the latest issue of The Grapevine and your Zone magazine (and others too), view the Society Archives and also see the updates on the amazing Society Festivals planned around the world. Don’t miss out.
Click here to download now
Champagne Stopper – branch offer continues
Due to the popularity of our previous branch Champagne stopper promotion we are pleased to advise the offer will continue, as a further order has been placed. These new, upgraded IWFS branded Champagne stoppers will be available in the coming weeks.
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Vineyard News
Alsace 2020 vintage: Excellent ripeness – it’s a 6!
David Ling, our Vintage Card Consultant for Alsace, reports - ‘In Alsace, 2020 was a typical "hot vintage", with all that that entails, and a bit smaller than average. Flowering started early (late May/early June) and went well. Summer and autumn were very hot and dry, causing some hydraulic stress in exposed vineyards. These needed careful selection at harvest time to remove suspect or dried-out bunches.
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Zone News
We welcome the latest news from our Zone Chairmen, and members of the International Council of Management – Stephen Hipple (Americas), Michael Tamburri (Asia Pacific) and John Nicholas (Europe Africa)
Americas Stephen Hipple
Although the Americas are beginning to return to face-to-face events due to the success of the vaccination programme, unfortunately, not all countries can celebrate the same success. France is one of these countries and has a much lower percentage of their population vaccinated. For this reason, Americas Inc.’s Festivals & Events Committee has decided to reschedule the very popular Paris/Bordeaux Festival from July 2021 to April 21-29 2022.
Click here to read the full report
Asia Pacific Michael Tamburri
2021 continues to be a challenging year for some of our branches. However, it is exciting to see that Taiwan, the home of our immediate past Chair Mr James Lin, has been recognised by the World Health Organisation as the country which has been able to most effectively manage the pandemic.
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Europe Africa John Nicholas
Face-to-face events are still restricted in most countries in the Region. Piedmont festival is postponed until May 2022. Much increased levels of virtual events are being enjoyed by members. Hope for the future.
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Dates for Your Diary
Americas · Asia Pacific · Europe Africa
The Zones are still busy looking ahead and putting together a rich itinerary of festivals around the world for members to enjoy. Some festivals have had to be rescheduled, due to the continuing impact of the pandemic and the various governments’ travel advice and local restrictions. But as we are getting closer to overseas travel being allowed do check out the following schedule to see what is planned:
16-19 September 2021
Cambridge, UK (Europe Africa)
All members are invited to join us visiting this historic city. The weekend will include a guided tour of the city and dinners in two of the University’s historic Colleges as well as a day in Ely visiting the Cathedral. The EAZ AGM and Members Forum will take place on Sunday morning. See Food & Wine Nov. 2020 pages 34 & 35 for details and also our website. There are still some places available for this weekend contact eaz@iwfs.org to check on availability or to be added to the wait list.
26-30 October 2021
San Antonio, USA (Americas)
The Americas invite you to join them enjoying the best in food and wine of this Texan city with a rich colonial heritage. Details to be confirmed very soon.
30 October - 6 November 2021
Madeira, Portugal (Europe Africa)
Join the EAZ to explore this historic island; 'the pearl of the Atlantic' and learn about its world famous wine, Madeira. You will stay in the capital Funchal and visit the major producers – Barbeito, Blandys, Henriques & Henriques, and D’Oliveiras. You will also have the opportunity to discover something of the local cuisine. This is a unique opportunity to discover Madeira wine in its home setting. Now full but let us know if you wish to be added to the wait list. Click here for more details.
10-12 December 2021
Singapore (Asia Pacific)
The APZ are making plans for a festival on this delightful island country for members to enjoy its culinary delights and explore the many jewels of this island including the Singapore Botanic Gardens – the only tropical garden in the world to be awarded a UNESCO Heritage Site. Details to be released as available.
21-29 April 2022
Paris & Bordeaux, France (Americas)
This amazing Americas event has now been rescheduled for 2022. The itinerary includes visiting some of the most exclusive venues in Paris; then in Bordeaux a stunning itinerary includes private tours and tastings of top chateaux. To find out more about this first class festival please visit the Society website.
25-30 April 2022
Alsace, France (Europe Africa)
The EAZ are planning to head to the city of Colmar in 2022. Colmar is the capital of this historic wine region and will aim to give you a taste of some of the best wineries and restaurants in the area. These dates are now confirmed but the programme will not be finalised until later in the year.
2-7 May 2022
Piedmont, Italy (Europe Africa)
In view of the continuing uncertainty around Covid-19 restrictions we have regretfully decided to postpone this event to May 2022. Members who booked for this year will be contacted individually. You might like to make a note of these dates in your diary. We will be announcing full details of the programme later in the year.
NB – if you wished for an extended holiday in Europe It would be possible to join both tours, of Alsace and Piedmont, although they are being run separately.
April 2023
Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA (Americas)
An Americas festival giving you the chance to visit some of the best wineries of this region renowned for its world class Pinot Noir. Since we will be traveling to France in the Spring of 2022, we have rescheduled this long-awaited festival to April of 2023. More details to follow.
If you are interested in joining an event that is full, or reservations closed, then please contact the organiser in case space is available.
131 Branches Worldwide
Click here to view a complete list and map of our branches around the world. Or on the following links in your chosen region to see where they are.
Americas · Asia Pacific · Europe Africa
Why not explore the opportunities of running a virtual inter-branch event – maybe Miami and Manchester, Tecate and Tokyo Bay – the world, and their cultures, are your oyster...? Contact our International Secretariat to find out more.
International Council of Management
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