EAZ AGM Weekend – Bristol, Brunel and Beyond
22nd and 23rd September 2018
Friends or relatives in Bristol? Children or grandchildren at school or university here? Interested in ships, planes, trains, bridges…? Why not combine a visit with the 2018 EAZ AGM Weekend, which is being organised jointly by the Bath and Bristol Branch and the Herefordshire and Monmouthshire Branch and we intend to extend a warm West and Border Country welcome to you all! We are well aware that however committed you are the AGM on its own is not a great draw, so we have planned a programme which we hope will entice you to Bristol for an enjoyable and interesting weekend. You can participate as much or as little as you like, but we hope to have good representation from our UK branches as well as from some of our European and African ones. All Branch chairmen will shortly receive a personal invitation, but of course any member (whether or not attached to a Branch) is entitled and welcome to attend.
Annual General Meeting and Members’ Forum
AGMs are short business meetings and not the most riveting occasions, but they are necessary to the lawful running of any organisation. The AGM itself will probably be despatched in not much more than half an hour; perhaps more relevant and we hope much more interesting will be the planned Members’ Forum, which will directly precede the AGM. This is your opportunity to ask questions, raise concerns and make suggestions – we know that all these are out there so don’t miss this opportunity to have your say! This year we are planning to extend our reach by setting up a webinar (video conferencing) link. This will mean that branches unable to send representatives to the AGM can participate remotely. We shall be sending information to all Branches shortly as to exactly how this works, but in the meantime why not plan a lunch or teatime event at a venue which has the necessary facilities. These are widespread - anywhere that hosts meetings or conferences should be able to provide them.
What else is on offer?
Saturday night - Dinner at The Ivy Clifton Brasserie
The Covent Garden Ivy celebrated its 100th anniversary last year – and is just as popular now as it ever was. There are now around 20 Ivy restaurants and cafés and all have in common their aspiration to be “sophisticated yet approachable, casual yet polished”. There is always a sense of occasion at The Ivy but this will nevertheless be a complete contrast to the formal dinner to be held on the Sunday. The conversion of a former banking hall in the heart of Clifton village has created some beautiful dining spaces; we have reserved one of the private dining rooms for our dinner.
Sunday morning
We have planned two alternative visits:
Aerospace Bristol - A guided tour of this fabulous new Museum, home to Concorde Alpha Foxtrot – the last of the iconic supersonic passenger jets to be built and the last to fly - as well as to examples of all the aircraft developed during a century of aviation history spanning both world wars.
Tyntesfield House – A guided tour of this spectacular Victorian Gothic Revival house and estate lying just to the west of Bristol in the village of Wraxall, North Somerset. The house is a Grade I listed building named after the Tynte baronets, who had owned estates in the area since about 1500. The Gibbs family, who made their money by importing guano (bird droppings used for fertiliser!) bought Tyntes Place in 1843 and transformed it into the masterpiece that it is today. It was acquired by the National Trust in 2002 and both the house and grounds have been beautifully restored.
Sunday evening – Black Tie Dinner at The Mansion House
Still the official residence of the Lord Mayor of Bristol, the Mansion House is an elegant Victorian villa built in the grand manner and containing many items of considerable historic interest. The dinner will be catered by Parsnip Mash, a company with a very high reputation for their banqueting services. Weather permitting, we should be able to enjoy our champagne and canapés in the conservatory - or even in the lovely garden! The Mansion House is only ten minutes’ walk from the hotel, but transport will be available for those who require it. There is plenty of car parking space too.
The Programme (timings to be confirmed)
Saturday 22nd September
6.30 pm Drinks hosted by Bath & Bristol and Hereford & Monmouth committee members
7.30 pm Dinner at The Ivy Clifton Brasserie
Sunday 23rd September
9.45 – 12.30 Visit to either the SS Great Britain or Tyntesfield House (NT)
1.15 pm – Chairman’s Reception and Buffet Lunch (No charge)
2.30 – 3.45 – Members' Forum
3.45 – AGM
4.30 – Tea and biscuits
6.15 – Bus shuttle (if required) to Mansion House commences (No charge)
6.45 for 7.45 – Black Tie Dinner at the Mansion House, preceded by Champagne Reception and optional tour of the House
And finally ….
Anyone planning a longer stay in Bristol or wanting further information or advice about other places to visit in the area is welcome to contact us! Bristol is a vibrant and fascinating city and there is a great deal to do and see both in the city and in the surrounding countryside. Please get in touch with Leonie Allday, Chairman, Bath & Bristol Branch T: 01934 876528 M: 07753 662803 E: leonie@the-alldays.org.uk
Event Archives
- EAZ Alsace Festival 2022
- EAZ AGM 2018
- AGM 2021
- AGM 2020
- EAZ Piedmont Festival 2022
- 85th in London
- EAZ Regional Festival - Baltic Cruise 29th June - 7th July 2017
- London Festival 2018
- Weekend in Stockholm 2017
- Edinburgh Festival 2016
- EAZ "Weekend" in North Wales
- Cape Town Festival
- EAZ Awayday - Hush Heath Vineyard
- ABRM and Shakespeare
- Annual Dinner: Europe Africa Zone
- The Best of Food and Wine in the Savoie
- Annual EAC Dinner at the Innholders' Hall
- ABRM Events at Eynsham Hall
- EAC Regional Festival Santorini May 2014
- A Luxury 'Best of British' Break in Yorkshire
- A Special Events Photography Seminar for IWFS Members
- John Avery Memorial Dinner and 80th Anniversary Roux Lunches
- Great Weekend in Zürich 2012
- Learn More about Wine
- EAC Merseyside Festival 2011
- 85th at Northcote