ABRM and Shakespeare
The Annual Branch Representatives Meeting (ABRM) this year will be held on 5th June, 10.30 am for 11.00 am, at the Grosvenor House Hotel, Stratford upon Avon. This is the annual opportunity for Branch Chairmen and Representatives to meet members of the EAZ Committee and discuss regional activities during the past year and the future direction of the Region. A formal invitation to each Branch will be sent out in due course, this is just to let you to get the date into your diaries We have also arranged lunch at the Grosvenor after the ABRM meeting.
We have arranged for a limited number of tickets for the performance at the RSC Theatre in Stratford on the evening of the 4th and for a pre-performance dinner at the RSC Riverside restaurant. The play is Othello, and the lead role will be taken by Hugh Quarshie. The performance will start at 7.15 pm and we are expected to take our places for dinner at 5.00 pm.
Theatre tickets are available on a first come first served basis. If you would like to join us please email the EAZ Treasurer, John Nicholas (johnsnicholas@aol.com) first to check availability.
The cost of the whole package; theatre ticket, dinner and lunch on the following day after the ABRM meeting is £165.00 for members, £170.00 for non-members.
If you can't join us at the theatre the cost of the post ABRM lunch will be £60.00 for members, £65.00 for non-members. Attendance at the ABRM itself is, of course, free.
Please Note: Cancellations after 31st March 2015 will be subject to a 30% deduction, as by then we will have had to pay for the theatre tickets or return them.
If you would like to stay at the Grosvenor Hotel, their B&B rates are: Standard Single Room £85.00 per room; Standard Double Room £95.00 per room: Executive Single Room £100.00 per room, Executive Double Room £110.00 per room. Please book your accommodation direct with the hotel mentioning IWFS when you do so. The telephone number is: 01789 269213 and their address is:
Grosvenor Hotel, Warwick Road, Stratford upon Avon CV37 6YT
Payment should be made via John Nicholas either by Bank Transfer, details of our new bank account are given below, or by cheque. If you wish to pay by credit card please contact John either by email or telephone: (00) 41 79 753 68 81. Payments by credit card will incur a 3% surcharge. Please let John know:
- Your full name, address, phone number and the name of your Branch
- The event or events you wish to book
- The full names of others in your party
NEW Bank Details (HSBC) for electronic Bank Transfers:
Account Number: 41699075 Sort Code: 40-47-07 Account Name: IWFS Europe Africa Ltd
Reference: Stratford
The IBAN and BIC/Swift for payments from overseas are as follows:
IBAN: GB48MIDL40470741699075 SWIFT Code: MIDLGB22
If you prefer to book by post, please send the same information with your cheque to the address below:
Mr. J. S. Nicholas (for IWFS EAC) c/o Mrs G S Moore, 2 Stevenson Close, East Hanney, Oxfordshire OX12 0FF
Event Archives
- EAZ Alsace Festival 2022
- EAZ AGM 2018
- AGM 2021
- AGM 2020
- EAZ Piedmont Festival 2022
- 85th in London
- EAZ Regional Festival - Baltic Cruise 29th June - 7th July 2017
- London Festival 2018
- Weekend in Stockholm 2017
- Edinburgh Festival 2016
- EAZ "Weekend" in North Wales
- Cape Town Festival
- EAZ Awayday - Hush Heath Vineyard
- ABRM and Shakespeare
- Annual Dinner: Europe Africa Zone
- The Best of Food and Wine in the Savoie
- Annual EAC Dinner at the Innholders' Hall
- ABRM Events at Eynsham Hall
- EAC Regional Festival Santorini May 2014
- A Luxury 'Best of British' Break in Yorkshire
- A Special Events Photography Seminar for IWFS Members
- John Avery Memorial Dinner and 80th Anniversary Roux Lunches
- Great Weekend in Zürich 2012
- Learn More about Wine
- EAC Merseyside Festival 2011
- 85th at Northcote