Annual Dinner: Europe Africa Zone
10th September 2015
6.45 for 7.15 pm
The Wax Chandlers' Hall, 6 Gresham Street,
London. EC2V 7AD
Cost: £125.00 members; £135.00 non-members Dress Code: Black Tie
Final date for reservations: 1st September 2015
The EAZ Annual Dinner 2015 will take place at the Wax Chandlers' Hall in Gresham Street in the heart of the City of London. We have moved it to September this year to avoid a clash with the International Festival in Melbourne.
The Master of the Worshipful Company of Wax Chandlers, Dr. Andrew Mair will join us for dinner and tell us something more about the Company and its Hall. Dr. Mair is the eighth member of his family to be associated with the Company.
The Worshipful Company of Wax Chandlers is one of the oldest Livery Companies in the City. Its Royal Charter was granted in 1484. It is the only Livery Company to have a charter from the reign of Richard III. Although a relatively small company today, it ranks 20th in the order of precedence of Livery Companies reflecting the importance of the Company in 1515 when the order was established.
Originally Wax Chandlers were responsible for preparation, manufacture and sale of beeswax and beeswax products, an important role in the medieval period when beeswax candles were extensively used in churches and lit the homes of those who could afford them. The Company still maintains its links with the wax industry and beekeeping.
The present Livery Hall is the sixth to stand on this site since its acquisition in 1501. The Hall was extensively refurbished in 2004.
The menu and wine pairings have been especially created for us by Mark Grove of The Cook and Butler, who is an old friend of IWFS.
We will commence with a champagne reception, followed by a four course meal, coffee and truffles. There will be a wine specially chosen by Mark to complement each course, including Viognier 2013 Limited Edition Gimenez Mendez Las Brujas Montevideo, Château Le Plantey 2011 Castillon Côtes de Bordeaux, Licor de Tannat 2007 Gimenez Mendez Las Brujas, Montevideo and a choice of late bottled port or brandy.
Cost to members is £125.00 per person and to non-members £135.00. Reservations should be made with John Nicholas, EAZ Treasurer, in the usual way, not later than 1st September 2015 (see attached schedule).
Please note there are four steps up from the street to the front entrance. The Livery Hall itself is on the first floor but it is accessible by lift.
The awayday visit to Hush Heath vineyard the following day has unfortunately had to be cancelled for lack of support.
How to Book EAZ Events:
EAZ events are open to all IWFS members and their guests.
Priority will be given to Branch and Independent members of EAZ
To book these events, please email the EAC Treasurer John Nicholas at with the following information:
* Your full name, address, phone number and the name of your Branch
* The event or events you wish to book
* The full names of others in your party.
We would prefer payment by electronic transfer in GBP (£ sterling); if you wish to pay by credit card please contact John either by email or telephone: (00) 41 79 753 68 81. Payments by credit card will incur a 3% surcharge.
For payments by Bank Transfer in GBP:
Bank: HSBC Branch: Witney Sort Code: 40-47-07
Account Number: 41699075 Account Name: IWFS Europe Africa Ltd
Reference: 'Dinner'
The IBAN and BIC/Swift codes for payments from overseas are as follows:
IBAN: GB48MIDL40470741699075 SWIFT Code: MIDLGB22
If you prefer to book by post and pay by cheque, please send the same information with your cheque to the address below:
Mr. J. S. Nicholas (for IWFS EAC)
c/o Mrs G S Moore,
2 Stevenson Close,
East Hanney,
OX12 0FF
Cancellation Policy:
For Bookings made before 1st August members will have a 14 day cooling off period from receipt of their payment during which they can cancel and receive a full refund. After the 14 day cooling off period, and for bookings made after 1st August, payments will not be refunded unless a replacement registration is received. You are advised to have full insurance to cover cancellation.
Event Archives
- EAZ Alsace Festival 2022
- EAZ AGM 2018
- AGM 2021
- AGM 2020
- EAZ Piedmont Festival 2022
- 85th in London
- EAZ Regional Festival - Baltic Cruise 29th June - 7th July 2017
- London Festival 2018
- Weekend in Stockholm 2017
- Edinburgh Festival 2016
- EAZ "Weekend" in North Wales
- Cape Town Festival
- EAZ Awayday - Hush Heath Vineyard
- ABRM and Shakespeare
- Annual Dinner: Europe Africa Zone
- The Best of Food and Wine in the Savoie
- Annual EAC Dinner at the Innholders' Hall
- ABRM Events at Eynsham Hall
- EAC Regional Festival Santorini May 2014
- A Luxury 'Best of British' Break in Yorkshire
- A Special Events Photography Seminar for IWFS Members
- John Avery Memorial Dinner and 80th Anniversary Roux Lunches
- Great Weekend in Zürich 2012
- Learn More about Wine
- EAC Merseyside Festival 2011
- 85th at Northcote