Europe Africa
Celebrating 90 years . .
Celebrating 90 years . .
Visiting Major Wine Regions
Visiting Major Wine Regions
Visiting Major Wine Regions
Visiting Major Wine Regions
Learning from masters
Learning from masters
Formal but fun
Formal but fun
Buying for quality
Buying for quality
Awarding excellence, applauding service
Awarding excellence, applauding service
Sampling the Best
Sampling the Best
Visiting the wineries
Visiting the wineries
Wine, food and friends
Wine, food and friends

A Special Events Photography Seminar for IWFS Members

Have you ever looked at the photographs of IWFS events and wondered whether something different, something more vibrant, something less boring was possible. Or have you tried to take photographs of food and wine events, and been disappointed with the results?  Do some of your photographs look a bit like these?      

In this increasingly visual culture good photographs are a vital means of communication with potential members particularly via our website. The lighting conditions are often challenging, and mastering the technical details is one thing. So what makes a good picture of a typical IWFS event and how do you take them in the available lighting – to flash or not to flash is that the question? Indeed, is good food photography really possible without specialised equipment, a small army of stylists, and all the other things that go with a professional photo-shoot?

.With this in mind, the EAC has asked Brian Worley of p4pictures to run a Photography Seminar for members interested in improving their photography skills, particularly in the often difficult circumstances of IWFS events. It will take place in The Library of The Oriental Club, Stratford House, Stratford Place, London, W1C 1ES, from 1300 to 1600 on 12th November 2013. A sandwich lunch will be provided from 12.30. This is the same day as the John Avery Dinner at The Vintner’s Hall. So, if you are coming to London for that event, why not catch an earlier train and join us. Stratford Place is off Oxford Street opposite Bond Street Tube Station.

Brian worked for Canon Cameras for several years and now, with a colleague, runs their EOS network providing help and advice for users of canon EOS SLRs. But he is not just a Canon specialist. He has had experience of a wide variety of other manufacturers, and compact cameras as well as SLRs. As long as you bring a camera with you – this is going to be a hands-on event – it doesn’t matter what it is. He is even happy to accept mobile phones. He will be bringing a digital projector so you will be able to see and critique any photographs you may take during the seminar.

Improving the images on our website and in our publications is very much in the organisation’s best interests, so the EAC has decided to subsidise this event. The cost to members will be just £15.00 a head.   Numbers are very limited so please email John Nicholas at to reserve your place.  

John will email confirmation on a first come first served basis and will request payment preferably by bank transfer or by cheque within 14 days. If you cannot email, then phone John on his mobile +44 79 753 68 81 or Stephanie Shepherd on 01276 65900.