Europe Africa
Celebrating 90 years . .
Celebrating 90 years . .
Visiting Major Wine Regions
Visiting Major Wine Regions
Visiting Major Wine Regions
Visiting Major Wine Regions
Learning from masters
Learning from masters
Formal but fun
Formal but fun
Buying for quality
Buying for quality
Awarding excellence, applauding service
Awarding excellence, applauding service
Sampling the Best
Sampling the Best
Visiting the wineries
Visiting the wineries
Wine, food and friends
Wine, food and friends

Cape Town Festival, including the John Avery Memorial Dinner

23 - 25 February 2016


The late John Avery needs no introduction to members of our society. It is a great honour for the Cape Town branch to welcome you to the Mother City of South Africa to celebrate his life. He was very fond of Cape Town and so it’s fitting that she has been chosen as one of a selected few destinations to host this special occasion. 

Tuesday 23 February

 A fast growing reputation for producing quirky, interesting and lip-smackingly good wines has earned the West Coast of South Africa the privilege of hosting the first day of your visit. You’ll spend a day in the Swartland wine area, enjoying a tasting of its best wines, hosted by a number of the winemakers of the area. This will be followed by lunch at one of the wine farms while continuing to enjoy wines of the region. 

You’ll have the evening at leisure to unwind and relax.  

Wednesday 24 February 

Sit back on a luxury coach to enjoy an exclusive tour of the Cape Peninsula, stopping here and there at famous sites for photo opportunities and short visits. Lunch is included of course. 

You’ll have time for a short “Turn around” at your hotel before being whisked off to a “Dine around” at members’ homes – a function which is always considered a highlight! 

Thursday 25 February 

A morning tutored tasting of South Africa’s most prestigious wines will set you up nicely for lunch and an afternoon at leisure. This in turn will allow you time to get ready for – Ta daa! – the    (a)very reason for your visit… 

The John Avery Memorial Dinner will be held at the award-winning 5-star Twelve Apostles Hotel and Spa, a majestic hotel set on an equally majestic coastline. 

All transport to and from all functions will be provided from a central point in the Waterfront.  We have therefore decided not to select a particular Festival hotel. 

The Twelve Apostles hotel (, where we will hold the John Avery Dinner, is offering us a special rate on its classic rooms of R3927.00 per room depending on availability.  However, it is located in Camps Bay some distance from the Waterfront.  They do provide a complimentary shuttle bus.  If you would like to stay there the person to contact is Rabia Brey and quote  “Accommodation: John Avery” 

On the other hand there are several hotels close to the Waterfront where you might prefer to stay, including:  


Table Bay Hotel 

Victoria and AlfredHotel 

The Portswood Hotel 

You will need to make your own accommodation booking with the hotel of your choice. 

Pre and Post event tours

There are numerous opportunities for pre and post event tours.  Operators we suggest include: 

They have all been used successfully by IWFS members on previous visits to South Africa. 


The cost for members, excluding accommodation and flights, will be GBP 445 per person. There is a surcharge of GBP 50 for non-members, including partners of members, making a total of GBP 495 per non-member. To confirm your interest, please communicate as follows and make a deposit payment of GBP 200 per person. Numbers for this event are restricted and the date of receipt of the deposit payment will determine the timing of your application. Final payment will be required by 30 November 2015. 

Please book by sending an email to Hilton Kuck, the Cape Town branch contact organiser, at  with a copy to the EAZ Treasurer, John Nicholas, at stating the name of your Branch, the full name of each person for whom you are reserving a place, a telephone number and whether or not any of the party are non-members. Please also indicate any special dietary requirements. 

Payment may be made in one of the following ways: 

1.  We would prefer payment by electronic transfer, in GBP (£ sterling) to HSBC Bank, Witney Branch, Sort Code 40-47-07, Account IWFS Europe Africa Ltd., no. 41699075 , or for international transfers: IBAN: GB48MIDL40470741699075; BIC: MIDLGB22; please ensure that all transfer costs  ( both your bank and our bank) are for your account

Please include the reference: Cape Town 2016 deposit 

2. If you wish to pay by credit card, please contact John Nicholas either by email at the address above, or by mobile on (00) 41 79 753 68 81. Payments by credit card will incur a 3 percent  surcharge. 

3. If you prefer to pay by cheque, please send it to:

J S Nicholas (for IWFS EAZ), c/o Mrs G S Moore, 2 Stevenson Close, East Hanney, Oxfordshire OX12 0FF 

Cancellation Policy 

  • You may cancel within 7 days of your payment and receive a full refund up to 30th November 2015.
  • If you cancel after 7 days but before 30 September 2015, your deposit per person will be refunded less an administration fee of £50 per person.
  • If you cancel after 7 days and between 30 September 2015 and 30 November 2015, your deposit in total will be forfeit, but the final balance, if you have paid it, will be refunded in full.
  • If you cancel after 30 November, no refund will be possible. 

You are advised to have personal cancellation insurance.