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Latest News

London Branch has awarded an IWFS Excellence Award to Sam's Riverside Restaurant at Hammersmith.  This was presented after a supberb lunch served to us by Sam and his team on 25th May 2023.  

December Events

December 02, 2010
Venue The Lansdowne Club
Location 9 Fitzmaurice Place – just off Berkeley Square
Date Dec 02, 2010
Time 7.00pm

Although there is evidence of viticulture in the region pre-dating the Romans, Burgundy really came into its own in the Middle Ages when the powerful Dukes of Burgundy established their own vineyards. During the Regency era in England, Chambertin was the drink of the nobility and fashionable rakes about town and therefore had a certain romance to it.
There are 9 Grand Cru Chambertin vineyards and the list reads like a Burgundy lover’s mouth-watering dream! However all 9 have different styles ranging from the lightest, Charmes or Chapelle, to the real heavyweights of Mazis, Clos-de-Bèze and Le Chambertin. But as with all top Burgundies it is the grower that counts and dictates the style.


Click here for more details

December 17, 2010
Theme Xmas dinner with Dr. Johnson
Venue Dr. Johnson’s House
Location 17 Gough Square, London, EC4A 3DE
Date Dec 17, 2010
Time Drinks at 18.30, the dinner commencing at 19.00 prompt.

For our annual Branch Christmas Dinner, we thought we would do something very different and special this year. We will be “taking over” the house of Dr. Johnson and having an intimate dinner for only 40 members and their guests.

The kitchen has none of the modern cooking conveniences you would now expect. (Even the oven has to be brought in for the evening). But you can expect a very special evening, surrounded by history.

Click here for more details