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Latest News

London Branch has awarded an IWFS Excellence Award to Sam's Riverside Restaurant at Hammersmith.  This was presented after a supberb lunch served to us by Sam and his team on 25th May 2023.  

November Events

November 08, 2011
Theme An exceptionallty Fine and Rare Tasting
Venue The Lansdown Club
Location 9 Fitzmaurice Place
Date Nov 08, 2011
Time 7:00pm

After too long an absence from our programme, we are delighted to welcome back Dr Christopher Davenport-Jones. Once again we are very much indebted to him for raiding his cellar and producing an amazing selection of wines for a Very Fine and Rare event. This is a rare opportunity to taste a number of very old wines that are unavailable and he has done us proud indeed with the following selection of eight wines:



Click here for more Info.

November 22, 2011
Theme White Burgundies versus New World Chardonnays
Venue The Naval Club
Location 38 Hill Street, London, W1J 5NS.
Date Nov 22, 2011
Time 7:00pm


The idea is to compare, without prejudice, the attractiveness of white Burgundies with that of New World Chardonnays, and to see if people can tell the different types of wine apart. The wines will be served blind in pairs, each pair consisting of one white Burgundy and one New World Chardonnay, with members voting after each pair for which they preferred and – if they wish - guessing which wine was which. 



Click here for more Information

November 29, 2011
Theme Beaujolais Not So Nouveau and Nouveau
Venue The Naval Club
Location 38 Hill Street, London, W1J 5NS.
Date Nov 29, 2011
Time 7:00pm

Love it or hate it there’s nothing that sparks off so much controversy amongst wine lovers as the much maligned Gamay grape of Beaujolais, not forgetting the annual hype of Beaujolais Nouveau of course. Yet Beaujolais can be very rewarding indeed. 2009 was a wonderful vintage and 2010 was very positive as well, whilst for Moulin-à-Vent, 2005 and 2006 were stunning with the best wines still going strong. When aged, Moulin-à-Vent seems to change its character completely and develop into a Burgundian style which is delicious and fruity.

Tonight we will have 10 quality wines – 9 from each of the communes:
Brouilly or Côte de Brouilly; Chénas; Chiroubles; Fleurie; Juliénas; Morgon; Régnié; Saint Amour and Moulin-à-Vent plus a top aged Moulin-à-Vent – 1999 Colin-Bourisset Moulin-à-Vent des Hospices in Magnum - for comparison!


Click here for more Info