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Latest News

London Branch has awarded an IWFS Excellence Award to Sam's Riverside Restaurant at Hammersmith.  This was presented after a supberb lunch served to us by Sam and his team on 25th May 2023.  

March Events

March 03, 2011
Theme Three Main Grapes - The Benson Cup
Venue The Lansdowne Club
Location 9 Fitzmaurice Place
Date Mar 03, 2011
Time 7:00 pm


This year’s Benson Cup returns to the same format as last year, but by popular request all wines will come from France. It should prove a good fun challenge in identifying very fine wines from traditional grape varieties whilst at the same time representing the educational experience that several have requested. Moreover this is an exceptional chance to taste some fine and rare wines.

Click here for further details.

There will be three main red grape varieties - Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Syrah. The wines will be served in three flights of three wines; one Cabernet Sauvignon, one Merlot and one Syrah. Your challenge will be to identify which wine is which. Sounds easy doesn’t it? Last year’s winners Jackie Saville and Michael Daiches, will be defending their title and hope to retain the magnificent cup donated by Jeffrey Benson -our new Chairman- for this event.

The wines chosen are all representative of their grape varieties and are all top range classic wines in very good years but the vintages will only be revealed to participants on the night.

March 05, 2011
Theme A Night in the Orient
Venue home of Joe and Nina Coten
Location 5 Speed House, the Barbican
Date Mar 05, 2011
Time 7 pm for 7:30 dinner, carriages 10:30 pm


Youssouf and Sofina Coten (alias Joe & Nina Coten) would like to welcome you to their home for an evening of food and wine from the Levant. They propose a dinner of regional specialities accompanied by wines from the area.


Click here for more details.

March 19, 2011
Theme A Night in the Orient
Venue home of Joe and Nina Coten
Location 5 Speed House, the Barbican
Date Mar 19, 2011
Time 7 pm for 7:30 dinner, carriages 10:30 pm

(see details on the Saturday 2 weeks ago)

March 21, 2011
Theme Red Wine Challenge
Venue The Naval Club
Location 38 Hill Street, W1J 5NS.
Date Mar 21, 2011
Time 7:00 pm


In the previous RWC in July, Chile (Bernard Lamb) beat the Loire (Ed Gretton) and Austria (Beverley St. John-Aubin). This time Chile (Bernard Lamb) is being challenged by Bordeaux (Ed Gretton) and Italy (Ian Rushton), which should make an interesting evening with excellent wines.


Click here for further details.

March 31, 2011
Theme French Rustic Cheeses Encore
Venue The Naval Club
Location 38 Hill Street, W1J 5NS.
Date Mar 31, 2011
Time 7:00 pm


Food and Wine Matching

By popular request the organiser has been asked to repeat this event but with different French cheeses. This is no hardship as there are over 1,000 of them, of which 56 are classified, protected and regulated under French Law as

(AOC), the highest level of protection.


Tonight you will have the chance to taste another 10 rustic cheeses from various regions, some of which are AOC and not easily obtainable outside France. All will be brought over just days before the event.



Click here for further details.