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London Branch has awarded an IWFS Excellence Award to Sam's Riverside Restaurant at Hammersmith.  This was presented after a supberb lunch served to us by Sam and his team on 25th May 2023.  

April Events

April 01, 2012
Theme Events for Q2 2012
Date Apr 01, 2012

As we are starting to add online booking facities, please find the Q2 booking form that is in Excel format. If you have trouble with this form, email to obtain one via Email,


Booking form for online requests.


For the complete program for Q2 2012 - click here,.

April 11, 2012
Theme Amarone della Valpolicella
Venue Hilton Doubletree (formerly Hesperia)
Location 2 Bridge Place, Victoria, SW1V 1QA
Date Apr 11, 2012
Time 7:00

Amarone della Valpolicella are red wines from the area just north ofVerona.


It is only relatively recently that this wine and the sweeter reciota have become quite fashionable and therefore quite expensive with the better wines costing in excess of £100.00 per bottle and sometimes even up to £500.00!


The wine is made using slightly dried grapes which are allowed to ‘mature’ in special drying sheds rather like tobacco leaves and the end result is a powerful concentrated wine but not usually at all sweet. It goes well with food which will be provided at this tasting because it is not really a wine to be drunk on its own.


We will taste about eight examples to attempt to demonstrate a cross section of the styles made by different houses.

April 19, 2012
Theme Liars and Cheats
Venue Lansdowne Club
Location 9 Fitzmaurice Place, W1J 5JD
Date Apr 19, 2012
Time 7:00 pm sharp

This popular event is intended to be the least solemn in this Quarter’s Programme. The evening shamelessly adopts the “Call My Bluff” format and is staged as a rough and ready game in which everyone present has a part to play. Two teams will each present four wines, with each team member offering a different description.   One person will be telling the truth and the other two will be barefaced liars.   Everyone present, including the opposing team, has to work out which description is correct.

One team, The Honest Indians will be led by our illustrious former Chairman, “Honest Rog – the punters friend” Ellis, assisted by two lovely ladies, Sharon Michaels and Robina Chatham.

Opposing them will be Brodie’s Bludgers led by Andrew Brodie, ably supported by Richard Duncan and John Valentine who will guarantee to keep you guessing.

Encouraged by those present, these six will lie, cheat and generally try to bamboozle you into believing that they are telling you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Your mission will be to uncover the liars and cheats whilst enjoying the wines and decide exactly which is which. Heckling is “de rigueur” and cries of “Liar, liar pants on fire” and “You lying toad” are sure to abound.

A fun evening is guaranteed and you’ll not only get to taste eight interesting and (possibly) unusual wines, but you’ll also get canapés which you can eat at whatever stage in the evening you prefer.

 In addition there will be a bottle of something (drinkable and alcoholic!!) for the person who can best ferret out the truth from the morass of lies which you’ll be told.

The winner from last time, Janet Davies, will be on hand to defend her title.

To encourage you to get there on time, a starter wine will be served form 6.45pm for early arrivals.   We will be starting on time out of respect for those who have trains to catch after the event.