Honorary President's Message Dave Felton
The future is looking brighter
Season’s Greetings and welcome to a new style Grapevine! Yes, it’s been quite a year. But 2020 soon will be past. As I write these words in the middle of December, the world has received the welcome news of multiple successful COVID-19 vaccine trials, thoroughly vetted, from a number of pharma companies in the western world and have begun vaccinations.
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Branch News
Chicago - the show did go on
The Chicago branch has been at the forefront of arranging events during these very difficult times in the Americas. They arranged their first virtual dinner within a mere 17 days of lockdown and built on the success of the first by arranging a total of five virtual dinners between April 7 and June 9. Quite an achievement!
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Asia Pacific
Taiwan leads the way
Events are beginning to take place again in our region. Taiwan re-started their events recently with all five branches able to come together to hold a successful dinner. Edo and Nagoya branches in Japan are running online tastings and branches in Australia are busy catching up on missed events. Plans are also still to run our festival in Singapore in June - we hope to bring you more details in the new year. Watch this space.
Europe Africa
West Yorkshire - recruitment success
West Yorkshire branch have also embraced Zoom and held three events during the first lockdown in the UK and even managed to recruit new members along the way. At their first "Friday Night Lockdown Takeaway" they learned that they could replicate the intimate atmosphere of physical gatherings by using the "rooms" function to create small "virtual tables".
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For Members
Member App
Just released - a new Member App designed to give you quick access, online, to member benefits such as the Vintage Card, Society Publications (inc Zone magazines) and Festivals. Click here to view it now. Look out for extra links which will be added. Click here to add the icon to your phone/tablet.
Updated Vintage App now available
The latest 2021 version is now available to view via this link, as part of our Member App just launched. Don’t miss out on the up-to-date vintage information, provided by leading experts around the globe, of what to drink and when, at the push of a button from your phone. Click here to add the icon to your phone/tablet.
New champagne stoppers
New, upgraded IWFS branded Champagne stoppers are now available. The previous version turned out to be poorly designed and did not work effectively. The new version looks good and works well. Branches may order up to 50 stoppers free of charge so long as current stocks last.
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Oz Clarke Podcast – 2018 Andre Simon lecture re-recorded version now available
Do tune in to listen to this re-recording, background noise now removed!, of Oz Clarke’s inciteful overview of the affects of global warming around the world’s vineyards...
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Vineyard News
Champagne 2019 & 2020 - possibly great Vintage years
James Simpson MW, MD, Pol Roger Ltd reported 2020 being the earliest Vintage ever (with picking starting on 21st August) with, exceptionally, the Pinot Noir being picked ahead of the Chardonnay. This early picking means that the must has retained freshness and acidity; certainly a Vintage year for Pol Roger - possibly a great Vintage year.
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Zone News
We welcome two new Chairmen for the Zones, and members of the International Council of Management - Steve Hipple (Americas) and Michael Tamburri (Asia Pacific).
Americas Steve Hipple
The various Americas Branches have responded in diverse ways to the COVID-19 virus. Some branches have had negligible interruption in scheduling dinners at local restaurants: Omaha, Council Bluffs and the Cayman Island branches fall into this category.
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Asia Pacific Michael Tamburri
Warm holiday greetings from the APZ. This is my first address as Chair of the APZ and I am greatly honoured to take over from James Lin who has retired. Thank you, James, for your contributions and we wish you and your lovely wife Kelly a good retirement.
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Europe Africa John Nicholas
There is a glimmer of hope that vaccines will enable a return to social gatherings during 2021 but it looks like virtual events are here to stay too! Clearly they will never replace face-to-face events as they cannot allow us to enjoy that essential social interaction. However...
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Our Awards
André Simon Silver Medal
Mike Donohoe, immediate past-Chairman of the Americas was presented with the Andre Simon Silver Medal on Monday 19 October for his extensive services to the Society both regionally and internationally. He became a member in 1997.
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André Simon Bronze Medal
Alan Shepherd, Europe Africa member was presented with his medal on 18 November. Alan joined the IWFS in 2006 and became a Branch Committee member in 2008 and Deputy Chairman in 2010. He is an active member of the London and Surrey Hills branches...
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Dates for Your Diary
Americas · Asia Pacific · Europe Africa
The Zones are still busy looking ahead and putting together a rich itinerary of festivals around the world for members to enjoy. Please pencil in the following dates and we will be in touch to open bookings as appropriate. If you are interested in joining an event that is full, or reservations closed, then please contact the organiser in case space is available.
18-20 June 2021
Singapore (Asia Pacific)
5-10 July 2021
Piedmont, Italy (Europe Africa)
22-30 July 2021
Paris & Bordeaux, France (Americas)
16-20 September 2021
Cambridge, UK (Europe Africa)
26-29 October 2021
San Antonio, USA (Americas)
30 October - 6 November 2021
Madeira, Portugal (Europe Africa)
17-21 May 2022
Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA (Americas)
June 2022 (tbc)
Alsace, France (Europe Africa)
If you are interested in joining an event that is full, or reservations closed, then please contact the organiser in case space is available.
140 Branches Worldwide
Click on the following links to find out where they are.
Americas · Asia Pacific · Europe Africa
Why not explore the opportunities of running a virtual inter-branch event – maybe Miami and Manchester, Tecate and Tokyo Bay – the world, and their cultures, are your oyster...? Contact our International Secretariat to find out more.
International Council of Management
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