Europe Africa
Celebrating 90 years . .
Celebrating 90 years . .
Visiting Major Wine Regions
Visiting Major Wine Regions
Visiting Major Wine Regions
Visiting Major Wine Regions
Learning from masters
Learning from masters
Formal but fun
Formal but fun
Buying for quality
Buying for quality
Awarding excellence, applauding service
Awarding excellence, applauding service
Sampling the Best
Sampling the Best
Visiting the wineries
Visiting the wineries
Wine, food and friends
Wine, food and friends

Great Weekend in Zürich 2012

JUNE 8 TO JUNE 10, 2012

The Zürich Branch of the International Wine & Food Society is pleased to invite you to a Great Weekend in Zürich. With its beautiful town, infrastructure, surrounding countryside and friendly people, Zürich is regularly rated worldwide as the city with the highest quality of living. This is well reflected in its wine and food.

The programme we propose combines many of the enjoyable aspects of the Zürich region. We’re looking forward to accompanying you to a gala dinner in the most renowned historic guild house, a cruise on Lake Zürich, a Swiss dinner in the small town of Rapperswil, and a wine tasting at a local wine museum….all in pleasant, mild Swiss June weather!

We hope to welcome many members from around the world and assure you of a truly unforgettable Great Weekend.

Full details of the Great Weekend and photographs can be found here.