The Best of Food and Wine in the Savoie
- A Short break in the French Alps 6-10th July 2015
The Savoie has a long and interesting history. The Duchy of Savoy, as it used to be known, occupied a strategic position on the main route between France and Italy, and the Dukes of Savoy were important and powerful people. Wine has been made there from the earliest times, but today most of it is consumed locally, and is little-known outside the area. Some will have experienced the fresh local whites and lightish reds on skiing holidays, but the best producers in the Combe de Savoie are capable of more than that, and according to some can rival the Northern Rhone. More and more Savoie wines are winning medals at national competitions, and for the first time this year, the appellation Cremant de Savoie has been officially sanctioned.
Those whose memories of Savoie food are dominated by vast quantities of potatoes and cheese may be surprised to learn that a number of local restaurants now sport several Michelin stars, and some have acquired an international reputation. And many of the more traditional establishments have improved beyond recognition.
This four night break will be an opportunity to experience some of the best food and wine that the Savoie has to offer, as well as learning more about local history and traditions, all against a background of spectacular mountain scenery.
The break will include
- 4 nights at a comfortable mountain inn in St Martin de Belleville, a pretty mountain village with a history of farming and cheese production.
- a wine making tour, and tastings with some of the best local producers.
- 3 dinners at well-known local restaurants, including Rene and Maxime Meilleurs' La Bouitte, which now has three Michelin stars, and Restaurant Jean Sulpice, which has two. Their chefs have embraced our project with enthusiasm. We will also be dining at, a more traditional rustic inn, La Montagnarde, where the young chef is keen to show off his prowess! Dinner will not be provided on Wednesday evening, after the wine making tour.
- visits to various local attractions, including a folklore museum, a creamery, and a chance to see the local market.
- 3 fairly light lunches, based upon local produce, depending upon where we are at the time.
The cost, excluding transport to and from St Martin de Belleville will be 1180 euros or £965 per person, based upon double occupancy. The single occupancy supplement is 120 euros or £100.
All IWFS Members are welcome. There is a surcharge of £80 (100 euros) for non-members - single members who wish to bring a partner will find it more economical to upgrade to joint membership.
To book your place for this very special event please send your details as soon as possible, as outlined below, together with a deposit of £500.00 (600 euros) per person. Those who have registered an interest may subtract the £50 that they have already paid. Expressions of interest that have not been confirmed by payment of the full deposit by 31st December will be deemed to have lapsed, and your place may be given to someone else. The final balance of £465 (580 euros) will be payable by 30th April. Please see the cancellation policy below. You are advised to have travel insurance to cover cancellation.
1. Please book by sending an email to the EAC Treasurer, John Nicholas, at stating the name of your Branch, the full name of each person for whom you are reserving a place, a telephone number and whether or not any of the party are non-members. Please also indicate any special dietary requirements. We would prefer payment by electronic transfer, in GBP (£ sterling)or euros.
PLEASE NOTE NEW EAZ Banking details
- Please make payments in sterling to HSBC Bank, Witney Branch,
Sort Code 40-47-07, Account IWFS Europe Africa Ltd., no. 41699075 , or for international transfers: IBAN: GB48MIDL40470741699075; BIC: MIDLGB22
- For payments in euros the corresponding information is
Sort Code 40-05-15, Account No 76001304, or for internationl transfers: IBAN: : GB82MIDL40051576001304; BIC MIDLGB22.
In either case, please include the reference: EAC SAVOIE 2015
2. If you wish to pay by credit card, please contact John either by the email address above, or mobile: (00) 41 79 753 68 81. Payments by credit card will incur a 3% surcharge.
3. If you prefer to book by post, please send the same information with a cheque to:
J. S. Nicholas (for IWFS EAC), c/o Mrs G S Moore, 2 Stevenson Close, East Hanney, Oxfordshire OX12 0FF
- If you cancel before 31st December, your deposit will be refunded less a £50 administration fee.
- If you cancel between 31st December and 30th April, your deposit will be forfeit, but the final balance, if you have paid it, will be refunded in full..
- If you cancel after 30th April, no refund will be possible.
Travel options
Moutiers rail station is a 30 minute bus ride from St Martin de Belleville. Geneva and Lyon airports are about 2.5 hours drive. The most flexible option is to rent a car - this will cost from about £200 ( Various public transport options are possible, but the services are limited.
We will arrange a shared minibus from Geneva airport if there is enough demand. Please indicate when booking if you are interested in this. We would aim to meet flights scheduled to arrive before 1300 hrs on Monday, and to depart after 1330 hrs on Friday. (BA728 and 729 would be ideal). The cost will depend upon the number of takers.
If you would like some extra time in St Martin, this will be possible at a cost of 120 euros double, 90 euros single per night, including breakfast, but excluding the local tourist tax. We can book this for you, but you will pay locally. If you do want to stay longer, and are travelling by air, you will probably be advised to rent a car, because it will give you more freedom to explore the area, and taxis are expensive.
Event Archives
- EAZ Alsace Festival 2022
- EAZ AGM 2018
- AGM 2021
- AGM 2020
- EAZ Piedmont Festival 2022
- 85th in London
- EAZ Regional Festival - Baltic Cruise 29th June - 7th July 2017
- London Festival 2018
- Weekend in Stockholm 2017
- Edinburgh Festival 2016
- EAZ "Weekend" in North Wales
- Cape Town Festival
- EAZ Awayday - Hush Heath Vineyard
- ABRM and Shakespeare
- Annual Dinner: Europe Africa Zone
- The Best of Food and Wine in the Savoie
- Annual EAC Dinner at the Innholders' Hall
- ABRM Events at Eynsham Hall
- EAC Regional Festival Santorini May 2014
- A Luxury 'Best of British' Break in Yorkshire
- A Special Events Photography Seminar for IWFS Members
- John Avery Memorial Dinner and 80th Anniversary Roux Lunches
- Great Weekend in Zürich 2012
- Learn More about Wine
- EAC Merseyside Festival 2011
- 85th at Northcote